We all know the feeling—whether we encounter it trying to navigate the city bureaucracy, dealing with a far-flung credit card call center, or trying to resolve an issue with our cable box: the feeling that we’ve got a legitimate problem, an…

We all know the feeling—whether we encounter it trying to navigate the city bureaucracy, dealing with a far-flung credit card call center, or trying to resolve an issue with our cable box: the feeling that we’ve got a legitimate problem, an…
As an attorney and an apartment dweller, Michelle Freudenberger has seen it all when it comes to living with difficult residents. “I lived next door to twin toddlers whose parents were both attorneys,” says Freudenberger, prin…
The house rules outline the do’s and don’ts of every co-op and condo community. By and large, these regulations are common sense directives aimed at protecting the safety of residents and generally keeping order without stepping on peopl…
Disagreement and conflict between neighbors is something people have had to contend with since the first two Paleolithic human families decided to set up house in adjacent caves. While serious problems may be rarities in the suburbs and exu…
Crowded together though they may be, most co-op and condo buildings seem to operate as little communities or villages unto themselves. They have their own individual boards, residents, managers, and even their own doorman and/or securit…
Unless you’re a Broadway star, the thought of having a spotlight pointed at you probably is not that appealing. No doubt, most prospective co-op buyers feel that kind of “center of attention” pressure when it comes time to go before the boa…
Co-op boards and homeowners’ associations maintain building-specific bylaws, rules and regulations, and are responsible for making sure they are enforced. The certificate of incorporation, the proprietary lease and the bylaws are like a …
Historically, co-op boards in New York City haven’t been required to provide much of an explanation to applicants about why applications for co-ops are rejected. Many applicants with good financial portfolios, good references and …
People like to think that they can do anything they darn well please within their own walls so long as no laws are being broken. Want to paint your walls purple and your ceilings green? Who’s gonna stop you? In the mood for loud music an…
If New York City is a melting pot, then Hell’s Kitchen is the part of the cauldron that is closest to the fire. At least, it used to be. This section of Manhattan stretching from West 34th Street to 57th Street and westward from Eighth …
In the past several years, the real estate market has seen an increase in the number of women purchasing homes. Some of these women are first-time homebuyers entering the market on their own, while others are moving up or downsizing fro…
Who is in you building? Do you know? And most importantly, do you care? If you answered ‘no’ to either of those last two questions, you could be in for a rude awaking. In today’s environment more and more building owners and man…
In 1974, a group of New York City residents banded together to preserve affordable housing in the city and the push resulted in the creation of the advocacy group, Tenants & Neighbors. Since that time the nonprofit group has been working…
Admission requirements for co-op buildings in New York City are typically pretty stringent. A board has the authority to require prospective purchasers to provide extensive financial documentation along with social and personal reference le…
Q Should a real estate developer be involved in construction projects in his or her building or is it more feasible to let an independent general contractor with no ties to the developer do the actual construction works? —Cu…
Q I am the vice president of a board in a 10-unit co-op located in Queens with an unoccupied residential basement apartment that was originally a live-in super’s apartment. We, the board, are exploring the possibility of renovating it an…
Q My co-op is about to engage in a multi-million dollar upgrade energy project. The board president has decided to not let myself (a newly elected member of the board) and any shareholder access to review the documents on this project. …
Q I am the president of a co-op board in Gramercy Park. One of our directors has recently become a licensed salesperson. When announcing this to the board, he indicated that he would recuse himself going forward from interviewing any …