Category: On The Board

Board Operations The CooperatorEvents Spring Expo
The CooperatorEvents Spring Expo

For over 20 years now, co-op and condo board members, managers, and the professionals they depend on to keep their buildings running safely and smoothly have made the annual pilgrimage to the CooperatorEvents Expo—and this past March 4 was …

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On The Board Young woman trying to sleep but disturbed by noisy neighbors and covering ears with pillows. I can's sleep with all that noise! Sleep problems. Angry woman disturbed with a noise trying to sleep
What's That Racket!?

In a shared-interest community, neighborly noise is an ever-present issue. Of course, one would hope that as neighbors, an effort would be made to keep noise to a minimum, and when asked to ‘tone it down,’ one would do just that.  But that’…

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