On Thursday, October 28, 2021, board members, managers, building owners, and co-op and condo residents from around the city and the tristate area will gather at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 …

On Thursday, October 28, 2021, board members, managers, building owners, and co-op and condo residents from around the city and the tristate area will gather at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 …
It’s become axiomatic that over time, technology gets smaller, more efficient, and more capable of multiple increasingly sophisticated and specialized tasks. Think about your mobile phone. There was a time in the not-so-distant past that it…
While residents of condos, co-ops, and HOAs do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying in their homes as much as they can, they rely on the supers, porters, valets, doorpeople, janitorial workers, handymen and -women, securi…
Of all the skills a good property manager must possess, conflict management is high up on the list. Not just knowing how , but when to step in (or not) is part and parcel of helping boards and residents maintain harmony and quality o…
Living in a multifamily dwelling requires tolerance for other people, particularly when those people are noisy, smelly, or have questionable taste in door decorations. In New York, where the majority of people share a wall with at least one…
Whether you manage a tight-knit building with just a few units, or a sprawling development with hundreds, property management comes with unique challenges. In this clip, two industry veterans let us in on the biggest ones they face in servi…
Property managers wear many hats and have job descriptions covering everything from bidding out capital projects to mediating spats between neighbors -- so how do individual managers determine what needs to be done, and when? In this clip, …
Boards -- whether co-op, condo, or HOA -- hire managers to handle the administrative, operational, and social sides of what can often be a tricky field. How much leeway a manager has to get the job done depends on several different variable…
When a community association enters into a contract with a professional management company, board members may feel a sense of relief. After all, much of the burden of running the community's daily operations has now been transferred to (hop…
Nobody gets into property management thinking it's going to be an easy, totally stress-free career -- on the contrary, many pros get into the field precisely because they enjoy a challenge, and prefer that every day come with a new and diff…