Good information and clear communication are crucial for anyone involved with the administration of a cooperative, condominium or homeowners association—crucial not just to thriving, but surviving in today's challenging economic times. …

Good information and clear communication are crucial for anyone involved with the administration of a cooperative, condominium or homeowners association—crucial not just to thriving, but surviving in today's challenging economic times. …
Believe it or not, pigeons are related to doves (both hail from the columbidae family of birds) but to many co-op and condo buildings, the former are not at all symbolic of peace. Quite the contrary. Although rats, mice, cockroaches, a…
While recent decades have seen the rise of glass-and-steel as architects' favorite materials for new construction, the bulk of New York City's facades remain clad in brick. From last-century red-brick tenement buildings in the Village …
It’s no secret—living space is at a premium in New York City. Balconies can go a long way toward providing a little extra elbow room by giving co-op and condo residents the square footage necessary to entertain, relax or simply enjoy a …
Probably ever since the first hominids shared a wall between their adjacent caves, neighbors have complained about each other. Modern multifamily housing dwellers are no different. Residents may even sometimes feel like their situation…
Since first taking office, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has made environmental protection and preservation something of a personal mission. Eco-advocates have applauded his ambitious PlaNYC initiative with its goal of cutting the city’s e…
After receiving over 4,200 comments on a proposal that would have eliminated flip taxes and transfer fees in co-ops, condos and HOA communities, the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) has reconsidered its position and will allow …
Condominium boards of managers and cooperative corporation boards’ of directors face special challenges when dealing with unit owners or tenant-shareholders who suffer from mental illness, psychological disorders and/or substance abuse.…
Between 2011 and 2013, owners and managers of existing properties in New York City will start to feel the impact of two energy-related laws signed by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg at the end of 2009. Many property professionals might stil…
When most of us think of New York City architecture, skyscrapers and brownstones are probably what spring to mind most readily—but there's a lot more to New York City's beautiful buildings than just plate-glass and bricks. The city is h…
Nowadays, almost every co-op and condo board member and every board manager knows about Local Law 11 inspections. The law and its predecessor, Local Law 10, were originally enacted to make building facades safe and to protect pedestria…
Q We have had one tenant/shareholder who has cost the co-op over $100,000 in legal fees since 2000. We continue to be at odds with this tenant because of her objectionable behavior. She continually makes unfounded calls to the police d…
Q I am an owner in a building that went condo 10 years ago. In 2008, our taxes were reduced by a firm that does this procedure for the building. However, my individual real estate taxes are way out of line compared to other apartmen…
Q I am the owner of a one-bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I have a legal subtenant who filled out all forms and paid all the fees as described on the required two-year lease provided by the board, including that o…