The Cooperator's 24th Annual Co-op and Condo Expo Free Seminar Help for Boards, Managers & Real Estate Professionals

The Cooperator's 24th Annual Co-op and Condo Expo

 Good information and clear communication are crucial for anyone involved with  the administration of a cooperative, condominium or homeowners association—crucial not just to thriving, but surviving in today's challenging economic  times. Finding that information and developing communication strategies isn't  always easy, however.  

 Attending The Cooperator’s Annual Co-op & Condo Expo, now in its 24th year, on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at the Hilton New  York in Midtown Manhattan, is one surefire way to gather all the information  you need, all in one day, all in one place. A full slate of information-packed  seminars will be among the highlights of the Expo, a free event that will also  feature over 270 exhibitors from throughout the tri-state area, and free advice  booths. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

 Seminars Running All Day

 A slate of free seminars will run from 9:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., open to all  attendees. The seminars are:  

 • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Hype vs. Perception & Reality.Sponsored by The Daylight Savings Company. Constant marketing and news articles  on "green" products and practices can create confusion and anxiety among  boards, managers, and residents. This seminar will address the importance of  energy efficiency in the mix of sustainable building solutions; how energy  audits are used to develop cost-effective capital improvement projects; how to  manage board/resident expectations; how to develop an appropriate energy  reduction plan and several financing methods.  

 • A Network Ahead--Broadband & the Future of Wired/Wireless Communication. Sponsored by Verizon. What will the future of wired and wireless communication look like for the  city's co-op and condo communities? How can your building optimize its  telecommunication capabilities while keeping costs down? How can you take advantage of new services and applications to make your  building more appealing to today's current and prospective residents? This  informative seminar will discuss new technologies for networking, system  integration, and keeping residents connected.

 • Legal Briefs for Boards: Tips for Rulemaking and Resolving Building Conflicts.Sponsored by Stark & Stark. Like any community, a co-op or condo building has rules, regulations and  governing documents to preserve order and create and protect a framework for  fair and equitable administration. Even in the most harmonious communities,  however, problems occasionally arise. This seminar will discuss the creation,  function and importance of governing documents and rules.  

 • Cutting Through Red Tape: Dealing with Recent FHA Regulations. Sponsored by National Condo Advisors. What do you do when homeowners can’t sell their units because your condo isn’t “FHA-approved”? This seminar will educate HOAs on how to become compliant under the new rules,  making them eligible for financing through the Federal Housing Administration  and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.  

 • Cutting Edge Communication Tools for Managers. Sponsored by BuildingLink. While the day-to-day work of managing buildings in the city may not change much  from year to year, the tools available to managing agents to help them do their  job have undergone radical transformations in the last 15 years. The Internet,  online communication, and social networking have transformed how managers,  boards, and residents interact. This seminar will delve into the ways the Web  has changed how properties are managed, and how today's managers use it to make  their jobs easier and more efficient than ever before.  

 • Everything You Need to Know About Underlying Co-op Financing.Sponsored by Meridian Capital Group. Are you considering refinancing your co-op’s underlying mortgage? Have you had to deal with high prepayment penalties, or worse, lockouts on your  current mortgage? Are you seriously considering an onerous prepayment penalty on your next loan? This timely and informative seminar will discuss mortgage loans and refinancing  options for the board/management team—an important issue, especially in today's challenging economy.  

 Last year's seminars attracted standing-room-only audiences, so be sure to get  to the Expo early.  

 Giveaways Featured

 A popular return attraction is the reserve fund drawing, courtesy of The  Cooperator and Yale Robbins, Inc. One lucky board member will receive a $3,500  contribution to his or her building association's reserve fund.  

 All offers are subject to terms and conditions. For complete terms and  conditions, go online at  

 For more information on who is exhibiting at the show, to sign up as an  exhibitor, or to register for this one-of-a-kind event, go to                        

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