Category: Building Operations

Energy Conservation Harvesting Winds of Change
2009 Sept Harvesting Winds of Change

Thirty-three years ago, during the summer of 1976’s energy crisis, 40 people gathered on the rooftop of 519 East 11th Street in Manhattan’s East Village, beers in hand, determined to create their own power source. With enthusiasm, flavo…

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Insurance A Look at Manhattan's East Village
2009 August A Look at Manhattan's East Village

 While the grid of streets and avenues may remain rigid and unchanging as the  years go by, New York City’s neighborhoods are organic entities, constantly shifting and evolving as new  features emerge and old ones fade away. Nowhere is thi…

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Insurance Helping the New Kids on the Block
2009 August Helping the New Kids on the Block

 Though often responsible for millions of dollars in property and charged with  the oversight of complex building functions, few co-op/condo board members are  real estate professionals. Board members are resident volunteers who come from …

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Insurance Understanding Roles & Responsibilities
2009 August Understanding Roles & Responsibilities

Most co-op and condo residents understand that there is a board protecting the interests of their building community and individual owners—they’ve probably taken part in numerous board elections, or even served on committees, or volunte…

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Insurance Covering the Gaps
2009 August Covering the Gaps

 Unlike individual apartment owners’ insurance coverage, most co-op and condo buildings’ insurance policies are pretty standard—they include homeowners’ insurance, liability, and umbrella coverage. Usually, the common areas such as  the ha…

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