Any community looking to create and/or maintain a landscaped area these days ought to consider integrating smarter, greener practices and products to maximize environmental benefits, minimize overuse of resources, and sustainably provide be…

Any community looking to create and/or maintain a landscaped area these days ought to consider integrating smarter, greener practices and products to maximize environmental benefits, minimize overuse of resources, and sustainably provide be…
First impressions may not always tell the full story of a building (or a person, or a book, for that matter), but in the case of a multifamily building or HOA, the very first experience of a property—its exterior, entry spaces, even how sta…
“The trees along this city street, Save for the traffic and the trains, Would make a sound as thin and sweet As trees in country lanes.” -Edna St. Vincent Millay Trees provide us with many benefits, from the obv…
As more of us become increasingly attuned to and educated about the benefits—indeed, the necessity—of a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, multifamily buildings and residential communities are turning toward new ‘green’ features to up…
City life can be hard—especially on plants. You laugh? Well, think about it. There’s limited room to grow, all kinds of pollution, sun-blocked settings…it’s no wonder plant life has to be extra-hardy to make it in city environments. And tha…
Ever since the end of World War II—and the widespread prosperity that brought about a historic baby boom, a healthy middle class, and suburban sprawl—a vibrant, manicured lawn has been synonymous with the American domestic ideal. Even for t…
One of the enduring facts of home ownership is that maintaining your abode is never really done. There’s always something that needs to be upgraded or updated. That is doubly true in multifamily communities. Whether you’re in an urban high…
Living in a dense urban or suburban multifamily setting often means living without easy access to nature. Many residents in these housing environments crave some sort of outdoor space—if not a private one like a balcony or deck adjoining th…
When the sun seems to shine a bit brighter, warmer, and longer, and the first buds of spring start to appear on trees and bushes, many multifamily property managers, boards, and residents start to think about the landscaping at their buildi…
In multifamily properties where different households share in the use, visual enjoyment, and property value of landscaped outdoor elements, a lot of factors go into deciding what and where to plant, how to maintain it, and how much to spend…