Category: Building Operations

Design Enhancing the View
2013 May Enhancing the View

 The earliest windows were literally holes in walls—maybe covered by animal skins, if the owner was ambitious, or the weather was  chilly—and were useful only for allowing a little air and light into the living space.    Eventually,…

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Finance Balancing the Bottom Line
2013 April Balancing the Bottom Line

 Not everybody on a co-op or condo's board is an accountant (or can even balance  their own checkbook, for that matter.) No doubt, handling large amounts of money for an entire building is a huge  responsibility. Residents, therefore, rely…

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Management Fron Truck to Transfer Station
2013 April Fron Truck to Transfer Station

 Twice a week whether it is on Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Friday, in  every neighborhood throughout the city, you can hear it. Usually before first  light you are roused from a sound sleep by the rumbling, beeping and crushing  sou…

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Maintenance Laundry Room Basics
2013 April Laundry Room Basics

 Most co-op and condo buildings in the city have a laundry room for residents to  use that is more than just an amenity; it’s practically a necessity. Nearly all of these co-op/condo laundry rooms are  maintained by laundry contractors who…

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Maintenance Heating Oil Transition Offers Savings
2013 April Heating Oil Transition Offers Savings

 On July 1st, about 10,000 New York City buildings must start phasing out their  use of high-polluting fuel oil. Under the city's “Clean Heat” mandate (a part of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s Greener, Greater Buildings Plan New York initiat…

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Design Splish Splash
2013 April Splish Splash

 Whether indoors or out, few design elements are as dramatic and arresting as a  waterfall or fountain. According to the blog The Bowery Boys, the very first  decorative fountain in New York City was the City Hall fountain, unveiled on  Oc…

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Management The Artful Dodger
2013 April The Artful Dodger

 The signs “Post No Bills,” “Active Driveway” and “Alternate Side Parking” are all fairly common and relatively self-explanatory in urban settings. Other equally common signs we see in suburban communities throughout the U.S.  related to p…

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Design The Grand Design
2013 April The Grand Design

 Whether you live in a towering mid-block high-rise or a sprawling suburban  development, landscaping not only helps a co-op, condo or HOA increase and  retain property values, but has a positive impact on residents themselves—beautiful, f…

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Maintenance Keeping the Grass Greener
2013 April Keeping the Grass Greener

 New York City is not exactly known for year round sunshine and palm trees. At  first glance greenery, lawns and lawn care, may seem a non–issue for many New Yorkers, but like most Americans, New Yorkers have a  long-running love affair wi…

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Finance Wallet-Friendly Design
2013 March Wallet-Friendly Design

 Every time someone enters or leaves a building, they travel through at least one  of the common areas. Multiply that times the number of units in a building and you can get a rough  idea of how much faster these areas may wear out than an…

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