Category: Building Operations

Maintenance Shoo!
2013 March Shoo!

 There are a few things that New Yorkers just take for granted as part of life in  Gotham: Traffic is one. Noise—whether from the street outside or the neighbors upstairs—is another.    And so are swarming, fluttering, cooing, pecki…

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Maintenance Don't Neglect Essentials
2013 March Don't Neglect Essentials

 While recent reports point to signs of economic recovery, many co-ops and condos  are still feeling the financial burden that has accumulated over the last few  years due to increased operating costs, residents in arrears, defaults, and n…

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Maintenance Keeping Your Facade  Protected
2013 March Keeping Your Facade Protected

 Residential buildings are constantly under attack—not by barbarians or marauding bandits, but by a force far more subtle and  insidious. The most tenacious enemy of a residential building is not fire or  structural collapse—though a build…

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Maintenance What Lies Beneath
2013 March What Lies Beneath

 It’s true that a building is as only as strong as its foundation—and while New Yorkers don't have as much active concern about the foundations of  their buildings as residents of an earthquake-prone area like California might  have, it's …

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Maintenance Keeping the Rain Off
2013 March Keeping the Rain Off

 After the four walls of a given structure, the roof is sometimes referred to as  the “fifth plane”—and just like the walls that hold it up, the roof is an all-important structure  that can make or break a building’s performance. The tri-s…

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Energy Conservation Energy Auditing Your Building
2013 February Energy Auditing Your Building

 There are a number of consultants out there that are “pretending” that they can prepare the energy audit and energy efficiency reports required  by Local Law 87.    Local Law 87 of New York City's Greener, Greater Buildings Plan re…

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Maintenance Post-Winter Maintenance
2013 February Post-Winter Maintenance

 While residents may breathe a sigh of relief when winter and its piles of snow,  slushy puddles and blasts of arctic air finally exits the scene, co-op and  condo buildings can’t always shake off the ravages of the season so easily.   …

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Management Pet Peeves
2013 February Pet Peeves

 Time was, if you said that a co-op or condo building was 'going to the dogs,' it  was a bad thing. These days however, that's not always the case. According to  the American Pet Products Association, 39 percent of all U.S. households own …

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Finance Letting it Slide...
2013 February Letting it Slide...

 It’s the same dilemma that single-family households across the U.S. are facing:  What bills need to be paid immediately and what bills can wait? And should we  stretch ourselves thin, taking more out of our bank accounts to pay for privat…

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Management Back to School
2013 February Back to School

 With multifamily buildings, who is in charge of the property and how well those  people are trained are critically important factors in the successful operation  of the community. Board members are a part of this management class, which i…

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