Category: Building Operations

Finance Watch Your Language
2013 July Watch Your Language

 While the vast majority of one-time projects and long-term service contracts  involving vendors and service providers and their co-op, condominium or HOA  clients go smoothly and either conclude or continue without incident, a small  perc…

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Finance Rebuilding the Pieces
2013 July Rebuilding the Pieces

 While natural disasters have impacted the United States for countless decades—from The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 to 2005’s Hurricane Katrina—these catastrophic events are seemingly occurring with a more severe frequency.  For…

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Design Soundproofing 101
2013 June Soundproofing 101

 Walls are the only separation between you and your neighbors when you live in a  densely-populated area like Manhattan, and sometimes, it feels like privacy  goes out the window. People hear their next-door neighbors talking, footsteps  f…

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Management A Mighty Wind
2013 June A Mighty Wind

 People living along the Gulf Coast have long accepted hurricanes as a fact of  life—one that brings with it torrential rain, howling winds, and devastating  hailstorms. The Mid-Atlantic has been hit with a few big storms over the past  tw…

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Management Staff Management 101
2013 June Staff Management 101

 Management of any property requires a varying degree of resources and skills.  Materials, capital, and personnel are required for everything from ordering  supplies to the complete overseeing of a multi-unit, high rise co-op or  condomini…

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Maintenance Ain't No Crystal Stair
2013 May Ain't No Crystal Stair

 For some, stairwells are the dark little secret places between floors, where the  kids go to drink beer at night, or where others go to do who knows what. While  residents of most buildings will have few reasons to use their building’s in…

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Management That's Criminal
2013 May That's Criminal

 Mention “problem residents” in the context of a co-op or condo building, and chances are most people will  think about the noisy kids upstairs, the perpetually grumpy /litigious guy on  the third floor, or the lady down the hall with 12 c…

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Maintenance Deep Blue
2013 May Deep Blue

 A beautiful amenity space just footsteps away from one’s morning coffee is a luxury most residents would love to consider when deciding  which property to call home. A well-maintained swimming pool can captivate  potential homebuyers but …

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Design All is Illuminated
2013 May All is Illuminated

 Call it the Ikea-fication of America. It seems that more and more people are  getting interested in design, especially when it comes to their own home. In  decades past, household furniture and decorations didn't vary a whole lot.  Growin…

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Design It's Fun Being Green
2013 May It's Fun Being Green

 It many circles it’s considered socially or politically correct to “go green” when embarking on new construction projects or updating an existing property.  Cost-saving initiatives include solar roofs, energy-efficient lighting and  appli…

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