Category: Building Operations

Design There's No I in team
2006 May There's No I in team

As the old saying goes, great minds think alike. That’s certainly the hope when designers and design committees join forces to tackle the aesthetic issues faced by co-op and condo buildings throughout New York. Whether it’s a lobby rede…

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Communications The Paperless Office
2006 Feb The Paperless Office

Are you one of those people who have papers everywhere? You know, the bills and mail that you tell yourself you are going to file away next week but just never seem to get to? Can you imagine what those piles might look like if they wer…

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Communications Wireless Internet Connectivity
2006 Feb Wireless Internet Connectivity

In this ever-changing, technology-driven society, the importance of Internet connectivity is on a par with the importance of electricity in the early 20th century. Electricity’s endless applications made it an essential household utili…

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Communications Tomorrow is Now
2006 Feb Tomorrow is Now

On-site health clubs as well equipped as any private gym or spa. Playrooms for children, all-weather roof decks, and private screening rooms. Remote-controlled fireplaces, climate-controlled wine storage, 360-degree enclosed glass show…

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Communications How Does Your Board Measure Up?
2006 Feb How Does Your Board Measure Up?

Every co-op and condo building in the city is different, and every board is a unique blend of personalities. Two buildings located next door to each other may take very different approaches to identical daily challenges, and while cert…

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Communications The Language of Cooperation
2006 Feb The Language of Cooperation

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg once said, “No city on earth can match New York’s rich ethnic diversity; we’re truly the world’s second home.” Bloomberg’s comment was right on the money, but not only is New York City a melting pot of ethnici…

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Communications Taming Technology
2006 Feb Taming Technology

Where we are, firmly in the 21st century, and technology is everywhere. Who would have imagined half of the gadgets and computer programs that we take for granted today 20 or 30 years ago? From the Internet to hands-free cell phones to p…

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Design From the Drawing Board to the Bedroom
2006 Jan From the Drawing Board to the Bedroom

In little Italy, architect Adam Kuchner, of Kuchner Studios, is putting the finishing touches on 23 premier high-end condominium apartments. Located at 123 Baxter Street, the elite units include such exquisite design features as s…

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Security The Fine Blue Line
2005 Dec The Fine Blue Line

When the Dutch settled in what was then called “New Amsterdam,” a man named Johann Lampo patrolled the trails and paths of the area, keeping the peace and watching for fires. Little did Lampo know that he was the first in a long, honor…

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Security Working Smart
2005 Dec Working Smart

Safety first” is good advice on any job, but it is especially appropriate for the varied and dynamic tasks assigned to co-op and condo building staff. Whether checking furnace valves, sealing minor plumbing leaks, keeping the lobby flo…

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