Category: Building Operations

Security The First Line of Defense
2005 Dec The First Line of Defense

Feeling safe in one’s home is one of life’s most basic requirements. In an urban residential building, it sometimes takes a lot more than locking the doors and making sure your stove is turned off before going to bed to achieve that fe…

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Security Are You Ready?
2005 Dec Are You Ready?

Tragedy and crisis seemed to be the theme for 2005, with tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and mudslides causing havoc and uprooting the lives of millions all over the world. Of course, we’d all like to think that if such an emergency…

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Security Gearing Up
2005 Dec Gearing Up

Twenty years ago, Lisa Collier Cool was sleeping in her 14th floor apartment on West 72nd Street in Manhattan when her dog began barking. Not wanting to get up, Lisa tried to go back to sleep, but the dog was adamant and continued. Lis…

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Security Ready for Anything
2005 Dec Ready for Anything

Time was when New Yorkers rarely thought twice about disasters except when they watched movies such as “Airport,” “Earthquake,” “War of the Worlds” and “King Kong.” Then came 9/11, and people suddenly had to take the threat of …

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Finance Capital Budgeting and Planning
2005 Nov Capital Budgeting and Planning

Like most companies, co-ops and condos have two important, yet distinct budgets which allow boards and owners to manage the day-to-day and long-term financial requirements of their buildings. The operating budget includes recurring exp…

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Design Industry Standards for Public Spaces
2005 Oct Industry Standards for Public Spaces

The lobbies and hallways of residential buildings are not high-end private residential projects—yet they’re not back stairwells or utilities spaces either. They literally fall somewhere in between, and no matter how new or sophisticated…

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Design Windows on the Future
2005 Sep Windows on the Future

Windows—the number, shape, tint, and finish of the glass—are as much a factor in a building’s overall character as its architectural design and construction materials, and can either add or detract from a building’s curb appeal. Even t…

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Energy Conservation Adding Value to Your Building
2005 Sep Adding Value to Your Building

Co-op and condo owners and managers continue to face operations and maintenance issues that directly affect ownership costs and property marketability. Among these are: building modernization, equipment and building component repairs a…

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Energy Conservation A Clean Sweep
2005 Sep A Clean Sweep

A sweep knows 'e's welcome Wherever 'e goes" --Chim Chim Cheree (from Mary Poppins) Ah, to be a chimney sweep: face covered in soot, bristles in hand, dancing across the rooftops of London with Julie Andrews waiting below… …

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Energy Conservation Taking Out the Trash
2005 Sep Taking Out the Trash

It’s your twice-a-year, floor-to-rafters marathon house-cleaning session. You’ve recycled all your newspapers, taken your soda bottles back to the market and disposed of that fern that’s been gone for a few weeks now. Cleaning is nearl…

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