It’s a well-known fact that New Yorkers are tough. But even the bravest Big Apple resident shivers just a little bit when the first signs of winter settle over the city. Winter and the inevitable snow and ice that accompany it take thei…
Category: Building Operations
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As winter approaches, it will soon be time to batten down the hatches so the warm air stays in and the cold air stays out. Keeping indoor air clean is critical to maintaining a healthy environment. The inner workings of a building’s ope…
The key to proper financial management of a co-op begins with the presence of a strategic plan. This plan should include, at a minimum, a projection of necessary capital improvements; and a forecast of revenue and expenses over a ch…
Following the nationwide mortgage crisis, there is a lot of concern across the country about communities being faced with the prospect of foreclosure. Many states have enacted legislation relating to how to handle properties in arrears…
Consider the following all-too-common scenario: your condominium association has one delinquent unit owner who owes three months of common charges totaling $915.00 before late fees. Statements have been sent without response, and telep…
Phone hacking. Password hijacking. Virtual identity theft. With new technology comes new challenges, and online security threats are chief among them. When it comes to protecting and insuring the privacy of one's residents, it's impera…
Two research and development projects are currently underway in Manhattan where the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the state agency that promotes energy efficiency, is supporting the development and …
Most boards of co-ops and condominiums spend a lot of time negotiating the terms of their contracts with general contractors; however, it is often subcontractors who do most of the work. Sometimes the Boards are not even aware of how m…
So, did your building comply with the new benchmarking requirements that were a part of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s Greener, Greater Buildings Plan? Local Law 84, new legislation passed in 2009, required all of the city’s private build…