Category: Building Operations

Finance The Impact of Arrears
2011 July The Impact of Arrears

 As the recession has lingered on since 2008, co-op and condo buildings  throughout the city—from luxurious downtown buildings to middle-income and lower-income walkups—have found more of their residents in arrears with their monthly fees.…

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Finance Shopping Smart
2011 July Shopping Smart

 The day-to-day costs of running a multifamily residential building are  significant. There’s the fuel oil, electric, cleaning supplies, equipment maintenance and service  calls for repair and upkeep. Then there are the insurance costs, la…

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Finance Planning for the Worst
2011 July Planning for the Worst

 Tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes—these are just a few of the devastating disasters that have made headlines  already in 2011 and the emergency situations that resulted many never thought  possible.    As the past year’s calamitous …

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Finance Money in the Bank
2011 July Money in the Bank

 Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the recent recession was the sudden  evaporation of credit from major banks and lending institutions. The logic  behind it was understandable: too much easy credit had led, in part, to the  col…

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Finance Tax Fight Continues in Queens
2011 June Tax Fight Continues in Queens

Despite some admissions of error from the city, and a temporary cap on increases in assessed valuations, co-op officers and elected officials from Eastern Queens who in recent weeks have declared a “tax revolt” aren’t backing down. …

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Design Capital vs. Cosmetic
2011 May Capital vs. Cosmetic

 Co-op, condo owners and board members understand certain truths; one is that  whether aesthetic, mechanical or otherwise, every building will require repair,  upgrades and improvements. Determining what is a capital project versus what is…

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Design Detecting Plumbing Problems
2011 May Detecting Plumbing Problems

 Of all the modern conveniences we take for granted, perhaps none is as essential  as indoor plumbing. By carrying fresh water into our homes and taking waste  water away, the pipes in our buildings are a little-noticed and well-engineered…

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Design Don't Forget to Look Up
2011 May Don't Forget to Look Up

 A residential building’s roof is its first line of defense against whatever the skies throw at it. Left  untreated, roof problems can proliferate and cause thousands of dollars in  damages to residents’ property, as well as the building i…

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Design Do-It-Yourself, or Call a Pro?
2011 May Do-It-Yourself, or Call a Pro?

 These days, the urge to save a few dollars here and there may be inspiring the  creatively inclined to try their hand at home renovation. Before picking up the  paint brush or tearing up that carpeting however, it may be worth it to consu…

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Design A Gem of a Gym
2011 May A Gem of a Gym

 Like any major project in a co-op or condominium, installing a gym is made up of  two separate yet equally important parts: The brass tacks of planning and  executing the project, and the politics of running it through the board and  resi…

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