At the forefront of reducing carbon emissions nationwide, New York City’s Local Law 97 is prompting co-op and condominium communities to confront and reduce their carbon footprints. More often than not those efforts require costly upgrades …
Tag: new this week
In a recent decision, a New York City co-op was ordered to pay $165,000 to a shareholder over the board’s refusal to allow her to keep her ‘emotional support parrots’ - a judgment the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York …
Lead paint has remained a critical health hazard in New York City for decades, especially among young children. To combat this, the City has implemented rigorous lead testing and remediation abatement laws, imposing significant penalties fo…
According to a recent report from Construction Coverage, a website that compares construction software and insurance, becoming a homeowner remains largely out of reach for many Americans, despite home price growth stabilizing. A recent …
The presence of commercial space in a shared interest building can be a blessing for the community - and it can also be a burden. It can bring in much needed additional income to help defray the cost of running the building - but at the sam…
Enacted in March of 2021, New York’s Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act (MRTA), contemplated allowing home cultivation of cannabis as part of its purview. However, the practice was not to take effect until 18 months after the first recreat…
According to recent reports, the board of the Galleria — a luxury condo on East 57th Street - is suing noted illusionist David Copperfield for over $2.5 million to repair damage to a unit he owns in the building. Copperfield purchased…
A new study from consulting firm Construction Coverage looking at the locations where millennials are buying the most expensive homes indicates that New York metro millennials are spending 1.6% more on homes than their agemates na…
In a multifamily building, residents who compulsively collect and hoard items - whether it be old newspapers and magazines, canned goods, pets, or even garbage - pose a threat to the safety and health of their neighbors, as well as a liabil…
Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Nothing in this world is certain except death and taxes.” In the world of co-ops and condos, this truth is amplified. Along with the obvious impact on the deceased’s family and associates, the passing can a…