Category: Security

Security From Gadgets to Go-Bots
2004 Feb From Gadgets to Go-Bots

These days the simple door-buzzer and intercom building security systems that were the industry standard not so long ago are going the way of the dinosaur. Like it or not, soon the stuff of science fiction films will become reality. Today,…

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Security Check it at the Door
2003 Dec Check it at the Door

It's comforting to know that there's someone responsible and accountable at your door to receive your packages and hold them for you in a safe place, but since 2001, it may give you even more peace of mind to know that your building staff …

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Security Guarding the Gates
2003 Nov Guarding the Gates

As one of the doorman for the residents of 565 West End Avenue, Michael Cunniffe has been opening doors, accepting packages, hailing taxis and shoveling sidewalks for over twelve years. "I like my job; I'm a people person," says Cunniffe,…

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Security Post 9/11 Security
2003 Oct Post 9/11 Security

After September 11th, one of the first things on most people's minds was beefing up security. Almost immediately, the presence of police and guards became much more visible in public places, and many buildings considered investing in tough…

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Security A Question of Security
2003 Aug A Question of Security

Since September 11, 2001, most buildings in New York City have taken security and safety measures much more seriously. Although the effects of the terrorist attacks two years ago forced co-op and condo managers and owners to reevaluate saf…

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Security Just A Phone Call Away
2003 Jun Just A Phone Call Away

The old axiom about New York City government is that it's a bureaucratic hell, an exasperating nightmare in which John Q. Public gets passed from department to department whenever a problem crops up and immediate assistance is needed. …

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Security Vive La Securite
2001 Nov Vive La Securite

In the wake of the World Trade Center attack, many boards are re-assessing their building’s security needs and taking steps to insure that their residents and residents’ property are well looked-after. Clearly, a building’s most valuable co…

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Security Better Safe then Sorry
2000 Aug Better Safe then Sorry

New York City is currently enjoying a period of prosperity and low crime rates. However, no matter how safe a building appears to be, it is important that the board doesn’t relax building security. If a building isn’t adequately secured, it…

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