Category: Communications

Communications Mediation: A Potential Savior
Mediation: A Potential Savior

When it comes to living in close proximity with others, conflict is inevitable. It’s not always the big things that lead to the biggest conflicts either, over time even the smallest of issues can explode into a huge fight. “The sources of …

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Communications Get a Little Fiber in Your Diet
2007 Oct Get a Little Fiber in Your Diet

As Jules Verne may have quipped: "the future is now." Everywhere you look technological advancements keep getting integrated into our daily life. From VoIP to MySpace to YouTube to a host of killer apps, an insatiable need for bandw…

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Communications The Golden Age of Wireless
2006 Dec The Golden Age of Wireless

A few years ago, a commercial aired that featured a hip-looking fellow plugging away at his laptop—checking his e-mail, surfing the Web, downloading music.  What was different about this guy was that he was on the roof of a skyscraper, a…

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Communications The Paperless Office
2006 Feb The Paperless Office

Are you one of those people who have papers everywhere? You know, the bills and mail that you tell yourself you are going to file away next week but just never seem to get to? Can you imagine what those piles might look like if they wer…

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Communications Wireless Internet Connectivity
2006 Feb Wireless Internet Connectivity

In this ever-changing, technology-driven society, the importance of Internet connectivity is on a par with the importance of electricity in the early 20th century. Electricity’s endless applications made it an essential household utili…

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Communications Tomorrow is Now
2006 Feb Tomorrow is Now

On-site health clubs as well equipped as any private gym or spa. Playrooms for children, all-weather roof decks, and private screening rooms. Remote-controlled fireplaces, climate-controlled wine storage, 360-degree enclosed glass show…

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