Category: Building Operations

Design Coloring Your Community
2016 February Coloring Your Community

For better or worse, color affects human behavior. Research indicates that practical and aesthetic applications of color, in public and private spaces, can manipulate mood and perception. A board planning to redecorate or refurbish common s…

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Design What’s Old is New Again
2016 February What’s Old is New Again

In New York City, a great source of pride equates from owning an apartment in a landmark building or living in one of the city’s historic or architectural masterpieces. Though, along with such ownership arise unique challenges involving rep…

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Design Fix 'er Up
2016 January Fix 'er Up

Whereas certain issues are easy to delegate and oversee, such as snow and ice removal and replacing light bulbs, there are more difficult maintenance concerns. And while these problems (i.e. roof inspection, HVAC upkeep) are critical to smo…

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Design A New Look for Your Lobby
2016 January A New Look for Your Lobby

Imagine buying a timeshare vacation place. Next…picture sharing it with everyone in your building. Finally, visualize the place you choose cannot be changed, at all, for the next twenty years.  Now, where do you look? In Florida? The Hampt…

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Maintenance Can it Wait?
2016 January Can it Wait?

With the economy moving back toward a more robust state, building administrators are still looking for ways to save money in an increasingly competitive real estate market. It’s no surprise to hear that co-op and condo boards sometimes feel…

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Management Problematic Residents
2016 January Problematic Residents

Home is the place where you come to escape all the sounds, smells and people that you may encounter outside of your own closed doors. Home is a refuge—at least until that day when you can’t escape the sound of a dog barking next door, the n…

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