Category: Building Operations

Management Working with Exterior Contractors
2016 March Working with Exterior Contractors

When your building or association is faced with an exterior maintenance or repair job, it’s important that you don’t just hire the first contractor who comes along; carrying out your due diligence can make the difference between working coo…

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Maintenance Capital Funding and the Law
2016 March Capital Funding and the Law

From time to time, every co-op or condo community has to undertake big capital improvement projects—perhaps a total window replacement, roof repairs, an elevator overhaul, or major exterior renovations.  The laws and regulations that deal …

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Maintenance Facade Safety
2016 March Facade Safety

Whether a building is six stories or sixty, ensuring that its façade is architecturally sound is a paramount concern shared by New York City regulators, boards and managers alike. Why? Loose bricks and crumbling debris could cause property …

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Maintenance Cleaning Windows
2016 March Cleaning Windows

Even after the rain is gone, you may still not be able to see clearly—if your windows haven’t been washed lately, that is. Even if you have the greatest views in the entire complex and your windows are dirty, your views might as well be a b…

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Maintenance Maintaining Roofs
2016 March Maintaining Roofs

A building’s roof serves as the first line of defense against whatever the skies throw at its inhabitants—wind, rain and blazing sun, even snow and ice in some climates—so it’s crucial for that roof to be sound and well maintained. All it t…

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Communications Mediation: A Potential Savior
Mediation: A Potential Savior

When it comes to living in close proximity with others, conflict is inevitable. It’s not always the big things that lead to the biggest conflicts either, over time even the smallest of issues can explode into a huge fight. “The sources of …

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Building Operations Pet Spas & Doggie CSI Units
Pet Spas & Doggie CSI Units

For boards, having some restrictions in place as to what an owner can do with their pets is just good sense. But, with the emergence of extreme policies either pandering to pet owners, or, the yin to that yang, a police procedural televisio…

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Energy Conservation Practical Green Energy Choices
Practical Green Energy Choices

From major energy providers to niche sustainability innovators, it seems as if everyone these days is clamoring to get a piece of that celebrated green market. New York condo and co-op boards have taken note, and many have begun to explore …

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Management Architects and Engineers
2016 February Architects and Engineers

Change is a part of life; and that’s especially true if you’re talking about living in a New York condo or co-op, where no building ever stays the same for too long. Renovations are done, capital improvements are required and even upgrades …

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