Category: Building Operations

Finance Alternative Funding
2016 April Alternative Funding

In this challenging economy, many co-op and condo buildings are struggling to pay their bills while planning for future needs. Still, most building boards are loathe to raise maintenance fees or levy special assessments on their residents u…

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Landscaping Alteration Issues
2016 April Alteration Issues

There are plenty of reasons why a co-op shareholder or condo owner might want to make changes to their unit. Maybe it’s a new owner who wants to do major renovations to make the unit a better fit; perhaps it’s a long-time resident who buys …

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Landscaping Flowers Forever
2016 April Flowers Forever

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation proudly, and quite rightly, boasts about the many film scenes that have been set in the numerous parks and green spaces in the five boroughs. From Washington Square Park in When Harry Met…

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Landscaping Is Hardscaping Right for Your Community?
2016 April Is Hardscaping Right for Your Community?

When most people think of landscaping, they think of shrubs, trees, meticulously laid-out and maintained flowerbeds, and artful plantings scattered around a building or development. However, landscaping doesn’t need to end with the things t…

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Landscaping Market Review and Forecast
2016 April Market Review and Forecast

In short, the past year was a good one in the real estate market as far as condos and co-ops were concerned. Both buyers and sellers were confident, brokers were enthusiastic, and properties moved quickly. All in all, things seemed to be on…

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Maintenance Roof Tanks 101
2016 March Roof Tanks 101

Rooftop water tanks are such a common sight atop New York City’s residential buildings that they often blend right into the cityscape. But these overlooked structures are an essential part of many buildings’ plumbing systems, providing wate…

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Maintenance Maintaining Balconies and Terraces
2016 March Maintaining Balconies and Terraces

Before embarking on a real estate hunt, most prospective buyers craft lists. The “must have” list (square footage, operational plumbing, windows), the “would love list” (lots of natural light, Jacuzzi bathtub, doorman) and then the “probabl…

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Maintenance Utility Hazards
2016 March Utility Hazards

There are certain perils—fires, major weather events, and so forth—that announce themselves clearly; others are more subtle, if no less hazardous. Things like gas leaks, electrical shorts and surges, and water leaks may not be as dramatic a…

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