Category: Building Operations

Security Building Safety for Everyone
2015 December Building Safety for Everyone

New York is home to almost 1 million people age 65 or older; approximately one in three seniors suffer some type of disability, according to the last census. In a city like New York, where anything can happen—from fire, to extreme weather, …

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Security Condo Inspections
2015 December Condo Inspections

Condominium associations, whether housed in a single building or in a sprawling development, provide a reliably cozy and comfortable community in which to live. But this comfort requires vigilance on the part of both board and management to…

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Security Who Goes There?
2015 December Who Goes There?

One of the benefits of transitioning from renter to homeowner is the knowledge that your space is sacred and belongs only to you. But, when it comes to association living, sometimes unit owners have to give building staff or managers access…

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Security Security Technology
2015 December Security Technology

The most important aspect of managing a building is keeping it, its residents, and their property safe. In days past, 'safety technology' consisted mostly of well-lit exits, the installation of panic bars and glow-in-the-dark stripping on e…

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Maintenance Don’t Get Your Building  into Hot Water
2015 November Don’t Get Your Building into Hot Water

When it comes to reducing energy costs in most buildings, the space heating system garners the lion’s share of attention. The performance of the hot water system is rarely considered until there is a complaint. And yet, water heating accoun…

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Maintenance Maintenance Tips for  Buildings
2015 November Maintenance Tips for Buildings

Some buildings have lush reserve funds and the most pressing challenge in building maintenance involves new balustrades or landmark accents.  But for most co-op and condo managers in New York, building maintenance is less predictable. It q…

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Management Power Outages
2015 November Power Outages

Northeasterners are a tough breed, but even they have to deal with dark days and nights—and they need an action plan in case of a blackout. This was evidenced by the blackout of 2003. In August of that year, a series of power failures overl…

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Maintenance HVAC Hygiene
2015 November HVAC Hygiene

In 1976, the American public became aware of a previously unrecognized disease, when 221 out of the more than 2,000 people who attended an American Legion convention in Philadelphia became sick with a form of atypical pneumonia that caused …

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Maintenance Vetting Your Professionals
2015 November Vetting Your Professionals

There is always work to be done on a building, whether it’s a simple lobby repair or a major capital improvement, but finding the right contractor for the job takes some work. If the vetting process is not done properly, the results could b…

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