Category: Building Operations

Maintenance The Sound & the Fury
2012 August The Sound & the Fury

 Noise is a key quality-of-life problem for almost anyone living in a  densely-packed urban environment. Many urban dwellers are immune to it as a  result of having lived all their lives in the city—maybe you even grew up next to an elevat…

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Insurance Mind the Gap
2012 August Mind the Gap

 Insurance is designed to be there for us when we need it most. Without knowing  the full extent of our coverage, though, we may find ourselves facing an  emergency with less protection than we thought. For shareholders or unit  owners, it…

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Insurance Insurance Fraud!
2012 August Insurance Fraud!

 When it comes to insurance, there's more to think about than just premiums and  deductibles; on one side, there's insurance fraud—and on the other, there's the insurance that protects you from fraud. Both sides  of the equation are import…

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Finance Mayor's 2013 Budget Plan Unveiled
2012 July Mayor's 2013 Budget Plan Unveiled

 Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg recently released the New York City Executive Budget  for the 2013 fiscal year. While the mayor lauded the $68.7 billion plan as a “balanced budget with no tax increases,” the City Council believes the prelimina…

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Maintenance Caulk it Up!
2012 July Caulk it Up!

 Next to fire, perhaps nothing is more damaging to residential buildings and  their occupants' property then leaks. Whether it’s a torrential deluge from the upstairs neighbor’s overflowing bathtub or a slow, seeping leak around the window…

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Management Dealing with Commercial Tenants
2012 July Dealing with Commercial Tenants

 In the typical suburban condo development, one must go to another location to  shop— maybe to the mini-mall, or the big box store down the road. But in New York  City co-ops and condos, stores are often found on the ground floor—supermark…

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Finance Understanding Your Finances
2012 July Understanding Your Finances

 For a crystal-clear picture of how a co-op board or condo association is doing,  there are few better lenses than the community's budgets and financial reports.  From an investment perspective, they show the association board, property  m…

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Finance Cash-Strapped?
2012 July Cash-Strapped?

Money is a topic some people are skittish about discussing. When you’re a board member or the managing agent of a residential co-op or condo building however, there’s no benefit to skirting financial realities just because they may be di…

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Finance Tax Fight in Queens Continues
2012 June Tax Fight in Queens Continues

 Many regular readers of The Cooperator doubtless remember the struggle that  ensued in the spring of 2011 when co-op officers and elected officials in  Eastern Queens declared a “tax revolt” against the city for huge increases in assessed…

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Maintenance HVAC Insider
2012 June HVAC Insider

 Given our chilly winters and blistering hot summers, those living in New York  co-ops and condos are keenly aware of the importance of properly working  heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.  That’s why it’s im…

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