Category: Building Operations

Management Hiring Good Help
2012 June Hiring Good Help

 Think about this: according to the United States Department of Labor, each year  nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace  violence. Fraud committed by employees cost American companies approximately  $20 …

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Management New York City's Community Boards
2012 May New York City's Community Boards

New York City is a metropolis of 8.2 million residents, so it’s not surprising that it takes an awful lot of people in a lot of departments and organizations to keep the town’s government running smoothly. Some of those people (the mayor…

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Management Dealing with Delinquent Owners
2012 May Dealing with Delinquent Owners

By and large, a board and management company can expect payment from residents for monthly fees to be received on time and in full. These all-important funds keep day-to-day operations moving forward without delay. There are situations,…

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Management Managing In-Unit Amenities
2012 May Managing In-Unit Amenities

In an online forum, Sharon complains about her upstairs neighbor and begs for advice. Her neighbor had installed a washing machine in her unit, even though there was one already downstairs for the residents of her six-unit building to …

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Design Attractive Perks
2012 May Attractive Perks

You’ve got the perfect couple looking into buying a condo in your building. And they love everything about the unit. But here’s the catch—they also love everything about another building’s unit. They can’t decide which to buy. …

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Design Space, the final Frontier
2012 May Space, the final Frontier

Say your building has some extra, unused space—perhaps in the basement, or on the ground floor near the doorman’s station. What to do with it? Two words: Storage. Lockers. If you already have storage lockers, install mor…

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Design Residential Architecture in New York
2012 May Residential Architecture in New York

In 1906, the dashing and amply-mustachioed Stanford White was shot dead by one Harry Kendall Thaw during a show at the Madison Square Roof Garden. Thaw was the jealous husband of one of White’s old flames, and the press dubbed the resul…

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Design Not-so Common Areas
2012 May Not-so Common Areas

Last November marked the completion of a two-year, $20 million renovation of the lobby of the Empire State Building—a pretty hefty sum just to retrofit such a particular space. While the cost was certainly of large proportions, it is no…

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Maintenance The War Against Bed Bugs
2012 April The War Against Bed Bugs

For years, the hospitality industry has been fighting a chemical war against bed bugs. Now, with the growing menace of pesticide-resistant bed bugs and increasing documentation of human injury from harsh chemicals, the question to consi…

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Insurance The Insurance Puzzle
2012 April The Insurance Puzzle

Insurance is a relatively simple concept that any homeowner can understand. You purchase a policy paying a premium to an insurer, and when a claim gets filed, the insurer pays. So in theory, insuring your co-op or condo building should …

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