Category: Building Operations

Maintenance Make Connections at the 2012 Expo
2012 March Make Connections at the 2012 Expo

 As a co-op or condominium board member, you rely on a long list of service  professionals for work ranging from HVAC maintenance to parking lot sealing.  Finding the right person for the right job, though, can be a challenge.    In…

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Maintenance When Construction Projects Go Awry
2012 February When Construction Projects Go Awry

Construction and renovation projects are necessary, but often troublesome—especially when they're occurring next door. For many residents and building owners adjacent to an ongoing project, noise, debris and construction zones diminish …

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Maintenance Fixing a Noisy Steam Pipe
2012 January Fixing a Noisy Steam Pipe

 No, your steam lines are not supposed to be noisy. The Beatles are considered to be among the best musicians of all time. But the cacophony you get from noisy steam lines is far from considered music at  all.    So what is causing …

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Security Security on the Go
2011 December Security on the Go

 Not so long ago, having a security system required drilling through the walls of  your cooperative or condominium building and involved installing many spools of  wire attached directly to a bulky keypad.    Sophisticated and Secur…

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Maintenance Minor Problems —Major Headaches
2011 December Minor Problems —Major Headaches

 In today’s turbulent economic times as so many of us try to regain our financial footing,  the question of how to balance the bottom line and still take care of all that  needs to be done in a co-op and condo building remains a difficult …

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Finance Year End Housekeeping
2011 December Year End Housekeeping

 Organizing and keeping a co-op or condo’s books and other records is, on the surface, not that different than keeping a  budget for one’s home.    But there are many important differences—filing deadlines, tax requirements, reports…

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Security Telecom Options for Co-ops and Condos
2011 December Telecom Options for Co-ops and Condos

 It’s been a long time since cable modems were the gold standard in Internet  connectivity—or at least it seems like it’s been a long time. Telecommunications as a field has been developing at a  dizzying pace, and multifamily buildings—bo…

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Security Brighter Days Ahead in 2012?
2011 December Brighter Days Ahead in 2012?

While the economy sputters along and unemployment rates remain steady at more than nine percent, there doesn't seem to be much call for celebration—but all is not gloom and doom. The real estate market has been one of the most notable c…

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Security Conducting Employee Background Checks
2011 December Conducting Employee Background Checks

Typically the sources of terror in horror movies come from ghouls and zombies. Victims in these films find themselves trapped in an abandoned warehouse or haunted mansion with no chance of escape or survival. These films leave the audi…

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