2018 September
Focus on... Energy & the Environment

Energy Conservation Hidden Energy Wasters
2018 September Hidden Energy Wasters

Co-ops and condos routinely undertake major capital projects to improve and update their physical plant with the hopes of both increasing value and cutting expenses. But how about more modest programs to save money in areas that are often o…

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Energy Conservation The Recyclists
2018 September The Recyclists

When it comes to how co-op and condo communities navigate the race to address climate change, a goal like switching to 100 percent renewable energy may seem too tall an order. On the other hand, simply recycling household glass, paper, and …

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Energy Conservation Silencing Leaks
2018 September Silencing Leaks

Plumbing is a minor miracle: clean water, on demand, and at the temperature one chooses in his or her apartment. What would have been the height of luxury just a couple of generations ago is now considered a bare necessity. Miraculous as it…

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Energy Conservation Environmental Irritants
2018 September Environmental Irritants

‘Home sweet home’ can become un-sweet very quickly indeed when the physical environment you’ve worked hard to create becomes a source of environmental toxicity. Chemicals, smoke, pet dander, and mold, along with other allergens and irritant…

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Real Estate Trends Wellness Communities
2018 September Wellness Communities

At the beginning of the last century, Americans lived primarily in small towns. They knew all their neighbors and wouldn’t think twice about having their children play outside unaccompanied. With the end of World War II, however, American t…

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Real Estate Trends Solar Energy Today
2018 September Solar Energy Today

Energy costs are a major component in any housing environment, and one of the main areas where boards and managers look at to optimize efficiency and save money. One already popular — and growing — alternative to fossil fuels is solar energ…

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Q&A Q&A: What Can Board Members Disclose?
2018 September Q&A: What Can Board Members Disclose?

Q. I would like to know if it is legal for board members to share personal and financial information regarding our home in the community with other residents who don’t even serve on the board, and some who don’t even own property here, bu…

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Security Harassment Issues
2018 September Harassment Issues

People feel ‘harassed’ all the time – by crowded trains, loud noises, and even the weather. Co-op and condo residents often feel that their board, or even a neighbor, is ‘harassing’ them. But what qualifies as harassment in the legal sense?…

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