Category: On The Board

Law & Legislation Reacting to Sponsor Default
1995 Jun Reacting to Sponsor Default

tarting in the mid '70s and continuing through the latter part of the '80s, New York City was engulfed in the co- oping craze. As prices spiralled upward, owners of residential property were cashing in by converting buildings from rentals…

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Board Operations The Role of the Treasurer
1995 May The Role of the Treasurer

The co-op and condo community has been shocked by recent disclosures concerning inappropriate and/or illegal activities by real estate managing agents, their employees and the various industries selling supplies and materials to co-ops and …

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Law & Legislation Big Trouble at Big Six
1995 Apr Big Trouble at Big Six

Trust. It's a word often heard when board members and shareholders of Big Six, a 982-unit co-op complex in Woodside, Queens, talk about their former managing agent, Richard Stone, and what they think went wrong. Essentially, they say, we…

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Board Operations Working With Your Super
1995 Apr Working With Your Super

At eight o'clock on a weekday morning, you won't find Peter Grech hustling to catch a train or waiting in line for the bus. Nor will you find him snug in his bed, dreaming the morning away. Grech is a resident manager for the Alfred, a 224-…

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Shareholder Relations Pet Policy Politics
1995 Mar Pet Policy Politics

Let's face it, the City is going to the dogsM-or is it cats? New Yorkers love their pets. No matter whether feline or canine, the depth of emotion owners have for their furry companions is staggering. This staunch devotion could go double f…

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Law & Legislation Rights of Inheritance
1995 Mar Rights of Inheritance

Several months ago, I wrote an article for this column detailing the circumstances under which a cooperative board could legally discriminate against those wishing permission to either occupy or purchase the stock and lease of a cooperati…

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Law & Legislation Provide Disabled Access
1995 Feb Provide Disabled Access

In a September 1994 decision applicable to many cooperatives and condominiums in New York City, the Appellate Division, Second Department, has determined that a cooperative housing corporation's refusal to expend funds to install a wheelc…

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Board Operations A Cooperative Effort
1995 Feb A Cooperative Effort

While everyone at 24 Fifth Avenue will miss the doorman, Caspar Orenga, nicknamed Mr. Wonderful, those who will be affected most by his retirement will be the older residents he cared for and attended to with patience and a smile for over 2…

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Board Operations Running Effective Board Meetings
1995 Feb Running Effective Board Meetings

Board meetings provide the time and space for co-op and condo leaders to establish and direct building operations. These vitalmeetings can be productive decision-making sessions conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect, or ego-driven ma…

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Board Operations Judging Board Performance
1995 Feb Judging Board Performance

Like most business corporations, co-ops rely on a board of directors to oversee operations and make decisions for the benefit of all shareholders. What makes a co-op's board unique is that itsmembers are responsible not only for the corpora…

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