Category: Community Living

Buying & Selling Buy, Buy!
2002 Mar Buy, Buy!

New Yorkers looking for a little more living space have a lot of options these days. Construction on new co-op and condo buildings–as well as conversions–are moving along at a steady pace, while the recent economic downturn has made New Yor…

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Real Estate Trends Market Review and Forecast
2002 Mar Market Review and Forecast

After an era of giddy figures–with the average price of an apartment in Manhattan closing in on $1 million–New York City’s residential real estate market has started to lose its sense of certainty. Any broker asked about the state of affair…

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Neighborhoods In the Heart of Things
2002 Mar In the Heart of Things

For all the permanence that its centuries-old history suggests, the midtown neighborhood of Murray Hill and Kip’s Bay is a neighborhood with a little bit of everything. A gently evolving mix of turn-of-the-century brownstones rubs shoulders…

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Organizations A Look Into REBNY
2002 Mar A Look Into REBNY

For more than one hundred years, The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) has been an invaluable resource for real estate professionals in New York City. More than just a trade association, REBNY has expanded over the years to include advo…

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Neighborhoods Phoenix and the Ashes
2002 Dec/Jan Phoenix and the Ashes

The implications of the attacks of September 11 are far-reaching, with tentacles stretching around the world. But what about right next door? An entire section of Manhattan has been forever altered, as have the lives of all the people who c…

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Neighborhoods The Sixth Borough
2002 Dec/Jan The Sixth Borough

Hoboken is a city of about one square mile sandwiched between the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. Once the butt of urban renewal jokes ("Hey, if it’s Hoboken, don’t fix it!"), the city has enjoyed a renaissance in the last quarter century as i…

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Organizations Standard United
2001 Nov Standard United

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 32BJ is a coalition of 70,000 doormen, superintendents, concierges, porters, cleaning personnel and maintenance workers in New York City and its surroundings. Founded in 1934, the union is …

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Neighborhoods A City on the Rise
2001 Nov A City on the Rise

Jersey City knows something about bouncing back. With property values rising, a steady influx of retail stores, trendy restaurants and the arrival of some of the corporate world’s heaviest heavyweights, Jersey City has become a magnet for f…

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Neighborhoods Washington Heights is at its Height
2001 Oct Washington Heights is at its Height

For the last decade or so, Washington Heights has remained a well-kept secret. A narrow stretch of Upper Manhattan crowned by the picturesque Hudson Heights neighborhood, it is home to many transplanted down-towners, among others. The area,…

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