Category: Building Operations

Insurance Network Security & Privacy Liability
2015 August Network Security & Privacy Liability

Data breaches can happen from hackers, employees, competitors, vendors or other third parties and can be intentional or accidental. It is well documented that even the best security systems are being hacked at an alarming rate. Most recentl…

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Insurance Attracting New Board Members
2015 August Attracting New Board Members

With so many people leading busy, sometimes hectic lives that revolve around work, kids, social functions, and other obligations, it's often very difficult for co-op,  condo, and HOA administrators to find residents willing and able to serv…

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Insurance Filing Insurance Claims
2015 August Filing Insurance Claims

Boards and associations, just like individuals, carry insurance coverage to protect them from liability, loss and other financial and legal problems, although the issues may be a little different than the typical auto or single-family homeo…

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Insurance Property Insurance Basics
2015 August Property Insurance Basics

Property insurance, by definition, is a guarantee of compensation for a specific loss or damage to physical property or equipment. Within that broad and simplified explanation there is room for multiple interpretations—and more than enough …

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Insurance Homesharing and Insurance
2015 August Homesharing and Insurance

In a city like New York, where even the most profligate among us may shed a tear or two at hotel room prices, the homesharing trend has grown by leaps and bounds, with more co-op and condo owners than ever renting out their units to short-s…

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Insurance Insurance Decisions
2015 August Insurance Decisions

Earthquake insurance is very common in California, for obvious reasons—but what about New York City? Tremors may be vanishingly rare here, but nonetheless, Arthur A. Schwartz's Manhattan condominium building has earthquake insurance, and he…

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Finance New York City’s $78.5 Billion Budget Plan
2015 July New York City’s $78.5 Billion Budget Plan

Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito shook ceremonious hands over New York City’s budget a week before it was due, after the mayor reversed his position on hiring new police officers. Thanks to strong local ec…

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Finance Don’t Raid the Cookie Jar
2015 July Don’t Raid the Cookie Jar

Sometimes the future seems like it’s an awfully long way away. If a roof is going to last 30 years, why should we worry about it today? Same with that shiny new boiler or that flat, crack-free pavement just poured two summers ago. Eventuall…

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Finance Dealing With Code Violations
2015 July Dealing With Code Violations

Those of us without engineering degrees tend to take the buildings in which we live and work for granted. We simply assume that if we go indoors, the ceiling isn't going to suddenly collapse. Of course, buildings can remain upright and stru…

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Finance In The Black
2015 July In The Black

Taking care of a condo or co-op building’s budget and finances is a big job. Handling such large sums of money is an important responsibility, and not every shareholder or unit owner has the expertise to do the job well. Sure, most people k…

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