Category: Building Operations

Management Homesharing in Co-ops & Condos
2015 April Homesharing in Co-ops & Condos

The media and political buzz surrounding so-called 'homeshare' or 'short-term rental' websites (primarily Airbnb, but also other similar services like and, just to name two) has been on the upswing over the last year …

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Maintenance For the Birds
2015 April For the Birds

There are a few classic story lines of Sesame Street that you never forget: Cookie Monster can’t control his appetite, Oscar the Grouch doesn’t like to socialize, and Bert loves two things: oatmeal and pigeons. Bert loved the bird so…

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Management Tales From the Dark Side
2015 April Tales From the Dark Side

Most condo/HOA boards are made up of ordinary, well-meaning folks who volunteer for the relatively thankless job of running their association. They donate their time, expertise, and effort to make their community as functional, solvent, an…

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Maintenance Seasonal Landscape Maintenance
2015 April Seasonal Landscape Maintenance

People aren’t the only life on your association's property; there are plants, trees, and other living landscaping elements, as well. More than just decoration, these features provide the community a vitality and serene pleasure only nature…

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Design Lobby and Hallway Improvements
2015 April Lobby and Hallway Improvements

There’s an old saying, ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression,’ and that holds very true for multifamily buildings. Large or small, deluxe or modest, a building's lobby serves as a snapshot for the rest of the building. …

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Landscaping Tree Planning and Care
2015 April Tree Planning and Care

They are the greenery that gives life to our cities, the leafy giants that give us shade and that unforgettable rustling sound just outside our windows late at night. Trees are the unsung heroes of the urban landscape—and with proper plann…

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Landscaping Going Green by Design
2015 April Going Green by Design

While it is common for buildings or associations of any size to have designated committees in place to help boards and management handle aesthetic, social, and other community concerns, “green” committees are a more recent trend…though, on…

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Management Us Against...Us?
2015 March Us Against...Us?

While the exception rather than the rule, boards can run afoul leading an association into troubled waters. In some cases, certain rules are enforced over others or community funds are simply mishandled. And in other instances, trusted adv…

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Maintenance Spring Cleaning: A Plan
2015 March Spring Cleaning: A Plan

During the winter season, life isn’t exactly a walk in the park for your typical New York City building. Freezing rain and wind beat at the façade relentlessly; snow accumulates on the roof and turns to ice, then thaws and seeps into co-op…

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Maintenance Heavy Metal
2015 March Heavy Metal

The Dakota co-op building is one of the most iconic New York City apartment buildings, home to many cultural luminaries, including the late, legendary singer-songwriter John Lennon. But what makes the Dakota—along with many other historic …

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