Category: Building Operations

Finance Keeping Track of the Bottom Line
1996 Jul/Aug Keeping Track of the Bottom Line

It's a typical scenario. The board and managing agent assemble for the regular monthly meeting. Things get lively and everyone participates. The group discusses staff issues, makes decisions about the tile color in the laundry room and dire…

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Management Holders of Unsold Shares
1996 Jun Holders of Unsold Shares

This truth may not be self-evident, but in a co-op all shareholders are not created equal. Virtually every Offering Plan provides for a special class of shareholderscalled Holders of Unsold Shareswho are routinely granted privileges not e…

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Management Leadership in Management Awards
1996 Jun Leadership in Management Awards

roperty management is a challenging field that appeals to quick- thinking, high energy individuals. Besides excellent number crunching skills, a good property manager must also demonstrate a keen knowledge of crisis intervention, not to m…

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Design The Home Office
1996 May The Home Office

Who wouldn't love the opportunity to stay at home instead of schlepping into work every morning? Today, more and more people are given the opportunity to avoid the trek into the office and work at home. With babyboomers wanting to stay ho…

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Design Closet Miracles
1996 May Closet Miracles

When you open your closet doors, are your clothes hung so haphazardously that you can't find your bright blue shirt? Does the pile of sweaters on the top shelf topple over when you pull one out? Are your shoes so scrambled on the floor th…

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Design A Spectacular New Kitchen
1996 May A Spectacular New Kitchen

You don't have to be a gourmet cook to appreciate the value of a well-designed kitchen. Even if you and your loved ones subsist on take-out food and microwave dinners, the kitchen is still one of the most heavily used rooms in your co-op …

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Finance Underlying Mortgages
1996 Apr Underlying Mortgages

The financing of your co-op's underlying mortgage is one of the most significant factors in the fiscal integrity of your building. The size of the mortgage and corresponding monthly payments have a significant impact on the value of each …

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Finance A Six-Step Program for Boards
1996 Apr A Six-Step Program for Boards

In 1991, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) issued its Guide to Audits of Common Interest Realty Associations, more commonly referred to as the CIRA Guidelines. Much controversy followed this event as professio…

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Finance A Six-Step Program for Boards
1996 Apr A Six-Step Program for Boards

In 1991, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) issued its Guide to Audits of Common Interest Realty Associations, more commonly referred to as the CIRA Guidelines. Much controversy followed this event as professio…

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Management Garbage Removal Systems
1996 Apr Garbage Removal Systems

emember when all your garbage was discarded into the refuse container, never to be seen again? The age of environmental awareness has not only forced the development of new ways to recycle refuse, but also new ways to dispose of it. Adapt…

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