Whether dealing with technology, administration or communication, on any given day property managers and managing agents are required to be jacks of all trades. And while some managers might actually have a practical background in plumbing …

Whether dealing with technology, administration or communication, on any given day property managers and managing agents are required to be jacks of all trades. And while some managers might actually have a practical background in plumbing …
In the perennial struggle to control costs while still adequately maintaining a building or HOA’s physical plant, grounds, and other day-to-day business, some boards and managers are opting to hire superintendents, custodians, and other sta…
In major US cities these days, the decision to live in one co-op or condo building versus another often hinges upon the style of living afforded in a particular property. Whether it is defined partly by a full-scale gym and spa, a children’…
It happens infrequently, but when it does, it can be an enormous challenge: a co-op corporation or condo development has a long-running squabble with the building sponsor/developer, falls victim to long-term mishandling of funds – or outrig…
Once again, the New York City market is on an upswing as far as condos and co-ops are concerned. The days of the 2007-08 recession seem to be behind us at last, and professionals don’t foresee that trend changing much in the year ahead. “I…
In the wake of the recession and facing an uncertain economic climate on the heels of a tumultuous presidential election, condo, co-op, and HOA boards may instinctively want to pinch pennies where they can, especially when it comes to maint…
The Obamas are leaving the White House, at least some of the Trumps will be moving in, and federal agencies have until mid-January to implement the outgoing administration’s policies and directives before the tide moves in what may be a ver…
New York is and has always been a city that celebrates reinvention and change, and that storied reputation has attracted generations of tastemakers. Interior design is one of the city’s largest talent pools and taking advantage of this valu…
Q. Is ordinance or law insurance required in New York State for co-ops? I am being turned down for refinancing my mortgage because our building does not have this insurance. Is it mandated for co-ops? They have all other required insuranc…
Q. My co-op has not had an election of new board members in over 20 years. The president sends a notice of the annual meeting--’come for coffee and donuts’-- but never mentions there is an election due. Now she is holding the annual meeti…
Q. If a couple is married, but only one of their names appears on the lease, are they both still considered shareholders? Do they both have voting rights? On a related note, according to the bylaws of my building: “nominations for direc…