Attendees packed the aisles of the Hilton New York exhibit hall as The Cooperator presented its 26th annual Co-op and Condo Expo, providing networking, information and educational opportunities for co-op and condo boards and residents …

Attendees packed the aisles of the Hilton New York exhibit hall as The Cooperator presented its 26th annual Co-op and Condo Expo, providing networking, information and educational opportunities for co-op and condo boards and residents …
The earliest windows were literally holes in walls—maybe covered by animal skins, if the owner was ambitious, or the weather was chilly—and were useful only for allowing a little air and light into the living space. Eventually,…
It many circles it’s considered socially or politically correct to “go green” when embarking on new construction projects or updating an existing property. Cost-saving initiatives include solar roofs, energy-efficient lighting and appli…
Call it the Ikea-fication of America. It seems that more and more people are getting interested in design, especially when it comes to their own home. In decades past, household furniture and decorations didn't vary a whole lot. Growin…
Mention “problem residents” in the context of a co-op or condo building, and chances are most people will think about the noisy kids upstairs, the perpetually grumpy /litigious guy on the third floor, or the lady down the hall with 12 c…
Read any of the major business publications or websites and you’re bound to find articles on the importance of delegating. It’s one of the most fundamental skills for a successful business owner to have. A simple Internet search finds sc…
For some, stairwells are the dark little secret places between floors, where the kids go to drink beer at night, or where others go to do who knows what. While residents of most buildings will have few reasons to use their building’s in…
Bob Dylan famously sang, “The times, they are a-changin’,” and they sure have with Pew Research finding that for the next 17 years, 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 every day. This staggering statistic, which includes the 71-year-old ic…
Back in the late 1800’s, an army officer named Henry Martyn Robert wrote a distillation of Parliamentary Procedure (which was used by the American Congress at the time), to help people run smooth and effective meetings, whether it be a …
This bucolic Westchester County community is home to the popular amusement park Playland and its famous wooden roller coaster, the Dragon Coaster (remember when Glenn Close and Ellen Latzen took a ride on this roller coaster in the 198…
A recent federal appeals court decision on the subject of income tax law stands to be of great benefit to cooperative corporations around the city, particularly in light of damage suffered in many buildings from Hurricane Sandy. Alphon…
Q Does a cooperative board have the legal right to create their own occupancy guidelines? —Curious Cooperator A “The proprietary lease (sometimes called the “occupancy agreement” in certain co-ops) of a cooperative t…