Few things matter more to a co-op or condo owner than living in a place with good light and a good view. That's why windows serve as one of the biggest selling points and most important physical aspects of a building. The right windows c…

Few things matter more to a co-op or condo owner than living in a place with good light and a good view. That's why windows serve as one of the biggest selling points and most important physical aspects of a building. The right windows c…
Every time a co-op or condo building needs exterior work - an occurrence more regular now than a quarter century ago - a group of highly-trained, highly-specialized, and extremely brave professionals arrive to carry out the project.…
The facades of New York City's residential buildings are part of what gives the city its character. From historic brownstones to modern high-rises with glass-curtain walls, New York City's buildings are recognizable to people around the wor…
If you flip through the advertisements for new condo buildings in the real estate section of New York magazine or Time Out NY, you've probably noticed that more and more developers are including well-appointed libraries, residents-only soci…
Curb appeal plays a large role in determining a property's value and it is the first thing anyone notices about your co-op or condo building. But beyond aesthetics, proper maintenance is necessary to protect residences, grounds and common a…
No matter what real estate market we find ourselves in, we all know that it's never easy to sell a home. In the last several years, a new trend has emerged in the real estate arena that is said to help homeowners sell their houses or apartm…
New York City's skyline is like none other and has a blend of classic and modern architecture that defines itself as one of the world's greatest cities. Beset by the vagaries of weather and age, though, even the finest brick, limestone…
In an age of tinted-glass curtain walls, floor-to-ceiling windows, and ubiquitous vinyl siding, it may be comforting to know that the granddaddy of all building materials—natural stone, quarried from the earth and hewn by hand in some cases…
As the cycle of work from the most recent Local Law 11 deadline expires, buildings inevitably must resolve issues over fees they owe to the contractors who did the work, completion of the work and questions about the quality of the …
Over the past five years, we've driven crime down to historic lows. And as our city's crime rate continues to fall, positive economic indicators continue to rise. One of greatest signs of confidence in our city's future is the record number…
Want to know what it is like to live in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan—that strip between Madison and Third avenues that runs roughly between 29th and 38th streets? You could ask someone who lives there, but be forewarned - th…
Leaks happen all the time. American Leak Detection, a nationwide company (unrelated to the Scooter Libby trial), claims to have discovered 1.4 million leaks last year alone—and that's just one company! Common as they are, leaks can cause qu…
Q For estate planning purposes, my wife is the sole owner of our co-op. A recent change to the New York State law permits assets to be transferred on death by use of a “Transfer on Death” designation. Like a trust, this avoids probat…
Q I would like to know if the board has the right to alter minutes given to the shareholders, because there were questions raised at meetings that they would not answer and are left out of the minutes. Are there any regulations governin…
Q Our building is 75 percent shareholders, 25 percent sponsor units (renters). The sponsor units fall under the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA) of 1974. My question is, doesn’t everyone in the building, shareholders and sponsor u…
Q In our Queens co-op (containing 68 apartments) we do not allow laundry washing machines. A few owners have had them from years back, others have recently renovated and installed washing machines in their apartments. This cau…