Category: Management

Management Indoor Air Quality
1995 Apr Indoor Air Quality

It is well established that individuals in New York City spend 80 to 90 percent of their time indoors, either at the work place or at home. It has also been established that the indoor air quality may be as poor as the outdoor air. The he…

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Management New Security Products Protect Residents
1995 Mar New Security Products Protect Residents

Now board members and management have another reason to sit up and take notice when issues of tenant security are raised. It can be summed up in one word: Liability. In a growing number of jurisdictions, property owners are being held lia…

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Management Diversification
1995 Feb Diversification

Co-op, condo and HOA (Home Owners Associa-tion) managing agents share common goals with the boards they serve: To improve both the quality of life and the bottom line of the properties they manage. To help achieve these goals, many manag…

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Management The Annual Meeting
1995 Dec/Jan The Annual Meeting

If winter's here, can spring be far behind? This old adage is particularly meaningful in relation to the annual ritual which takes place among cooperative housing corporations each spring: The Annual Shareholders Meeting. Even though the gr…

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Management Maximize Garage Income
1995 Dec/Jan Maximize Garage Income

If there's a garage in your build-ing, chances are it's not being used to its fullest potential. Security cameras and gates, welcoming signs, and preferred treatment for residents are a few of the enhancements that can help improve your b…

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Management Structural Inspections
Structural Inspections

In light of the catastrophic, deadly condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida, at the end of June, boards and residents in multifamily buildings across the country are taking a hard look at how their own properties measure up to the str…

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