The increase in the number of co-ops and condos in New York City has changed the way many New Yorkers live. Renters who have purchased a co-op apartment have become owners of stock while condo owners posses a block and lot. The traditional …

The increase in the number of co-ops and condos in New York City has changed the way many New Yorkers live. Renters who have purchased a co-op apartment have become owners of stock while condo owners posses a block and lot. The traditional …
Even the best working relationships between co-op and condo boards and their management com- panies can eventually come to an end, forcing a switch from one company to another. The transition can be lengthy and complex in the best of circ…
Like any body of individuals charged with overseeing the operation of a corporation, it is necessary for co-op and condo board members to meet on a regular basis. But just coming together at a set time and place does not guarantee an effe…
The co-op and condo universe can be divided into two types of properties: The vast majority that engage a professional management firm and those that choose to go it alone. All properties need the services that good full-service managemen…
Any major change takes some getting used to and hiring a new management company for your co-op or condo is no exception. Even though you're anxious to ring out the old, you can't help but be a little apprehensive about whether the new com…
The initials following a person's name often reveal a certain level of educational or professional achieve- ment. Designations like M.D., D.D.S., J.D., C.P.A. and C.L.U. indicate the successful fulfillment of certain standardized requi…
This truth may not be self-evident, but in a co-op all shareholders are not created equal. Virtually every Offering Plan provides for a special class of shareholderscalled Holders of Unsold Shareswho are routinely granted privileges not e…
roperty management is a challenging field that appeals to quick- thinking, high energy individuals. Besides excellent number crunching skills, a good property manager must also demonstrate a keen knowledge of crisis intervention, not to m…
emember when all your garbage was discarded into the refuse container, never to be seen again? The age of environmental awareness has not only forced the development of new ways to recycle refuse, but also new ways to dispose of it. Adapt…
At the Real Estate Board of New York's first residential convention last month, there was a sense of elation in the air. Not only was REBNY celebrating its 100th anniversary and the success of its new trade show, but there was a new sense…