While experts predict an improvement in mortgage markets and builder outlook for the U.S. housing market in 2024, the number of new communities and existing home sales will be subject to a series of domestic and international issues. The ge…

While experts predict an improvement in mortgage markets and builder outlook for the U.S. housing market in 2024, the number of new communities and existing home sales will be subject to a series of domestic and international issues. The ge…
With most home moves occurring between April and September, now’s the perfect time for homeowners to start preparing to sell their homes, according to the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors® (NVAR) which recently released six tip…
According to a recent study by consulting firm Construction Coverage, the cost of buying a home in the New York City market is nearly half again as expensive as renting one. Then findings confirm a trend that’s been ongoing for a …
Whether you’ve tried to buy an apartment or sell one, the past year has been a difficult one. Expectations on both sides have yet to fall in line with the realities of the market - and interest rates haven’t helped the situation. On top of …
Amid roiling national and international political upheaval, the prohibitive cost of housing for all but the wealthiest homebuyers in nearly every US market remains a cause for great concern. In an October 15 statement, National Housing Conf…
Faced with continued record low inventory, both home sales and pending contracts in markets north of New York City experienced declines in the third quarter, according to the Houlihan Lawrence Westchester-Putnam-Dutchess Q3 Market Report …
As we head into the final quarter of 2023, what factors are contributing and controlling the co-op and condo market? To a great extent, the same factors that have controlled it for the past few years: stubbornly high interest rates, the lin…
The doubling of interest rates in the past 18 months has certainly had a chilling effect on sales of all types of private homes, whether they be condos high in the sky, co-ops in quaint, pre-war walk-ups, or detached single family homes in …
According to a new study by Construction Coverage, a website that provides construction insurance guides, looking at the U.S. locations with the most millennial homebuyers, Millennials—generally regarded as individuals born between 1981…
Conventional wisdom in the New York real estate world holds that certain types of buyers prefer condominiums over co-ops. They include foreign buyers, those seeking pieds-a-terre, and those unthrilled with the extensive financial and person…