Category: Building Operations

Insurance Co-op Insurance 101
2004 Aug Co-op Insurance 101

General Liability Coverage for an insured's negligent acts or omissions that cause personal or bodily injury to another person or damage to another's property. As loss ratios climb and new legislation like sidewalk liability and lead p…

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Insurance Creating Your Insurance Profile
2004 Aug Creating Your Insurance Profile

A lot of factors go into determining the extent and cost of a building's insurance coverage: replacement cost, location, number of units, and claims history top of the list, but on closer inspection, there are plenty of ways to better posi…

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Finance The Refund Roller Coaster
2004 Jul The Refund Roller Coaster

With New York City rebounding from a sluggish economy and resulting budget deficit, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg reached a budget agreement with the City Council that includes a $400 dollar property tax refund to city homeowners, who bore the…

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Finance Home A-Loan
2004 Jul Home A-Loan

"¢ Borrower must be age 62 or older "¢ No monthly payment is required "¢ Must obtain co-op board approval in most cases "¢ Proceeds can be used for any purpose "¢ No financial reports, credit history or medical reports …

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Finance Reserve Funds
2004 Jul Reserve Funds

The primary function of a board of a co-op or condo is to operate, maintain, repair and preserve the common property. The board also has a responsibility to maintain the value of the property. Most boards develop an annual operating b…

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Finance 80/20 Vision
2004 Jul 80/20 Vision

Say the words "80/20 rule" to a New York City co-op board, and you may be met with groans and furrowed brows. A provision in Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code, the 80/20 rule limits the amount of commercial revenu…

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Finance Breaking the News
2004 Jul Breaking the News

With today's uncertain economy and the prices of everything from gas to insurance on the rise, maintenance increases may be on the horizon for thousands more co-op and condo owners this year. Shelling out money is never a pleasure, but tho…

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Finance Using Your Equity
2004 Jul Using Your Equity

New York City has been in the midst of a real estate boom for the last several years. Even with the economy in recession and the lingering effects of 9/11, homeowners have seen their apartments double, even triple in value in as little as …

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Finance Co-ops on the Rebound
2004 Jul Co-ops on the Rebound

Cooperative buildings should be run like businesses, with prudent investing and organized budgeting practices in place. As many buildings that have been on the brink of financial disaster can tell you, if you ignore these aspects of runnin…

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Design Design of the Times
2004 May Design of the Times

In an age where regulation, accreditation and membership matters, being affiliated with a recognized professional association is almost a business necessity. More than just a meeting place for like-minded individuals to discuss the topics …

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