Category: Building Operations

Design Wall to Wall
2004 May Wall to Wall

Floor coverings have come a long way in the past decade. Where once wall-to-wall carpeting was bland and there were few options to choose from, now there are a multitude of colors and designs to select from, and one of the best ways to dre…

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Design More Tips
2004 May More Tips

Your lobby is almost an advertisement for your building. A well kept, smartly decorated, or outright opulent lobby can enhance both the aesthetic and financial value of the property. Below are a few more tips you may find helpful wh…

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Design A Splash of Style
2004 May A Splash of Style

Nothing beats a good first impression. That's why a building's lobby can be the most important space when it comes to keeping residents happy and property values competitive. When lobbies begin to decline, it's bad news for everyone …

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Design Changing Spaces
2004 May Changing Spaces

Just last year, Americans spent some $125 billion on home remodeling projects, according to the Joint Center for Housing Studies - a collaborative effort between Harvard University's Design School and the Kennedy School of Government. That…

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Design Fleeting Fashion
2004 May Fleeting Fashion

Every decade or era has its own design "˜look.' Remember the shag carpeting and wood paneling of the 1970s or the chrome-and-glass overkill of the 1980s and early "˜90s? Thankfully, those trends had their moment and have since been put out…

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Design Architectural Building Blocks
2004 May Architectural Building Blocks

Walk by 502 Park Avenue and you'll find a vision in progress. There stands a classic example of a gracious Park Avenue building with one remarkable, eye-catching addition: an ultra-modern glass tower on the roof that is home to the kind of…

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Energy Conservation Green Corner: Understanding Lighting
2004 Apr Green Corner: Understanding Lighting

There's nothing worse than bad lighting. Take an otherwise beautiful room and illuminate it with the wrong kind of light - whether too dim, too bright, too hot, too cold, too pale, or too bleak - and the mood, feeling, and livability of th…

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Design Flushed With Pride
2004 Feb Flushed With Pride

The "loo." The "WC." The "john." Or - for the more civilized folks - the "powder room" or the "lavatory." Whatever you choose to name that room in your house that comprises a toilet, shower/bath, sink and a mirror, you use it - a lot.…

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Communications High-Tech Gadgetry Comes Home
2004 Feb High-Tech Gadgetry Comes Home

With new technology often comes new terminology - and lists of parts and functions that seem lifted directly off the pages of a sci-fi novella. When many of us were kids, terms like "retinal scanner" and "biometrics" were strictly Sta…

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Security From Gadgets to Go-Bots
2004 Feb From Gadgets to Go-Bots

These days the simple door-buzzer and intercom building security systems that were the industry standard not so long ago are going the way of the dinosaur. Like it or not, soon the stuff of science fiction films will become reality. Today,…

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