Category: Building Operations

Communications The Golden Age of Wireless
2006 Dec The Golden Age of Wireless

A few years ago, a commercial aired that featured a hip-looking fellow plugging away at his laptop—checking his e-mail, surfing the Web, downloading music.  What was different about this guy was that he was on the roof of a skyscraper, a…

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Security Planning for Emergency Evacuation
2006 Dec Planning for Emergency Evacuation

It is essential that co-op and condo boards or management companies have an emergency plan in place for situations like fires, power blackouts, hostage situations, or terrorism. While good planning is a major factor in keeping residents …

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Security Ain't Misbehavin'
2006 Dec Ain't Misbehavin'

Living in a co-op or condo building is a lot like living in a small town. When everyone abides by the rules, life flows along smoothly. If that stops, though, and one person disrupts the flow, those smooth waters turn rough and trouble c…

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Security Safe and Sound
2006 Dec Safe and Sound

It’s official.  According to an analysis of FBI data by the Associated Press, New York is the safest big city in the United States, with roughly one crime reported for every 37 residents per year.   Not that this is surprising new…

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Security Better Safe Than Sorry
2006 Dec Better Safe Than Sorry

Even though crime statistics are lower in New York City today than they have been in decades, the fact remains that in an urban metropolis such as this, crime is a reality. It only takes one break-in or personal assault to focus everyone…

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Security Visitors and Guests
2006 Dec Visitors and Guests

In a real ad posted on craigslist, a popular website for free classified ads, someone is looking to rent out their 22nd Street apartment in Manhattan. It’s a 625-square-foot, one-bedroom apartment with a doorman, air-conditioning, laundr…

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Security Safety in Numbers
2006 Dec Safety in Numbers

The transformation of New York City from one of the nation’s perceived most dangerous places to one of the safest, if not the safest, big cities in America is an old story by now, but it still continues to amaze both longtime New Yorkers…

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Finance Controlling for Fraud
2006 Nov Controlling for Fraud

A little over four years ago, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was signed into law. The most significant provision was Section 404, which requires corporations to conduct an annual assessment and report on the effectiveness of their internal…

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Energy Conservation Reducing High Energy Costs
2006 Sep Reducing High Energy Costs

Energy usage and cost savings are on everybody’s mind these days— especially those of us in charge of running our buildings, keeping them both comfortable and financially solvent. Each building community is unique, and boards and manager…

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Energy Conservation Where Does the Garbage Go?
2006 Sep Where Does the Garbage Go?

Think about this the next time you throw that banana peel, plastic packaging and junk mail away: residents of New York City and its surrounding boroughs are responsible for generating 12,000 tons (that’s right…tons!) of garbage each day. Pi…

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