For just over a decade, a small paved lot on the Lower East Side of Manhattan sandwiched between high school tennis courts and Seward Park (the oldest municipal park in the nation) has been the site of a popular weekend street fair in the s…

For just over a decade, a small paved lot on the Lower East Side of Manhattan sandwiched between high school tennis courts and Seward Park (the oldest municipal park in the nation) has been the site of a popular weekend street fair in the s…
For many buyers, a key factor in deciding to purchase a home in a residential community rather than opt for private, single-family ownership is often the appeal of amenities that come with condo, co-op, and HOA living—pools, gyms, clubhouse…
The holidays: a time for upholding long-standing traditions, usually involving festive gatherings of family and friends, communal meals, sacred services, gift exchanges, visitors, and, invariably, crowds—until this year, that is. The coro…
The challenge of creating a sense of community during a pandemic is not something most people expected to face in their lifetime...but here we are. And while face-to-face communication is an essential part of daily life for most of us, we’v…
A few years ago, I was on the phone with a homeowner. He was irate with how his community’s money was being spent. He was unhappy with the budget increase. It was a call I took regularly from any one of my homeowners (and more often than no…
Seward Park Cooperative on the Lower East Side of Manhattan (where this author has lived for the last 15 years, and has served on its board of directors for the last six) is a remarkably diverse community of 5,000 or so New Yorkers that pri…
Whether you’re living in a co-op apartment building in Manhattan, a condo on Chicago’s Gold Coast, or a townhouse community or HOA in Las Vegas, Reno, or Florida, issues of legality and liability are always a concern for owners, board membe…
Seward Park Cooperative on the Lower East Side of Manhattan (where this author has lived for the last 15 years, and has served on its board of directors for the last six) is a remarkably diverse community of 5,000 or so New Yorkers that pri…
While the majority of apartment dwellers are by nature accustomed to less living space than, say, single-family suburban homeowners, those in denser areas can offset that lack of personal square-footage by living a larger percentage of thei…
We're moved by how multifamily communities are coming together to help one another - and we want to share those stories with our readers! We could all use some positivity right now - so send us your stories and photos of community spirit,…