Convenience and saving money are just a couple reasons why a co-op board or homeowners association would choose to self-manage a property. Though, outside managing firms and property managers are hired and employed for good reason. The…

Convenience and saving money are just a couple reasons why a co-op board or homeowners association would choose to self-manage a property. Though, outside managing firms and property managers are hired and employed for good reason. The…
Everybody sometimes disagrees with the decisions of their co-op, condo or homeowners association board. Maybe the choice to rearrange the garbage receptacles out front seems ridiculous, or the ongoing clattering of machinery on the roo…
How can you tell whether the on-site property manager at a cooperative, condominium or homeowners association community is doing a good job? And what is a 'good job' anyway? Whether a manager is well-liked and whether he or she manages…
Physically, there’s really no difference between co-ops and condos. The savviest property manager in the five boroughs could not walk into a lobby and say for certain if it’s one or the other. When co-ops are converted to condos, or vice…
When co-op and condo owners plan their will, or a prenuptial agreement, their condo or co-op unit naturally comes into play as an important asset. Often, it’s no problem—the owner leaves the apartment to his or her spouse. It’s especiall…
Everyone wants to feel secure and have peace of mind when they lock their doors each night, but in a multifamily condo or co-op in New York City, you can’t always control who enters your building. Management may have service people come…
For most of us, there simply are not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done. We rush to pick the kids up from school, make it to that impromptu work meeting that just got called, or even find the time to grab som…
In today’s economy, co-ops and condos are looking for ways to cut costs wherever they can, and many are turning to examining their legal bills. The problem is two-fold: first off, you don’t want to compromise your relationship with your…
As we emerge from our long, late-winter slumber and get ready for springtime, it helps to remember all the things we can look forward to as the snow melts and the days get longer: spring flowers, colorful buds on trees, dog parks full o…
Westchester County was not always the affluent suburban landscape it is today. The county evolved from its Native American roots into small population centers and farms of the 17th and 18th centuries, growing into large urban centers, a…
When the well-heeled downtown set lost their power due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy, they didn’t load up on candles, batteries and canned goods; instead, they ditched their West Village brownstones and Soho lofts and headed to the …
b>Q We have a serious problem in our HDFC co-op, a limited equity cooperative. Number one, there have been no annual meetings for years. There have been no elections and the same people are entrenched on the board of directors. Thirdly, …