Category: Q&A

Q&A Q&A: Too Many Pets
2007 May Q&A: Too Many Pets

Q I live in a 100 percent owner-occupied condominium. Our bylaws and house rules very clearly state that unit owners may have no more than two pets, only one of which may be a dog. One of the unit owners (who is also a board member) kee…

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Q&A Q&A: Conflicting Interests?
2007 Apr Q&A: Conflicting Interests?

Q I’m the president of our building’s board. One of our directors has recently become a licensed real estate broker, and has recused himself from interviewing any potential buyers. At first, that seemed to ward off the semblance of any …

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Q&A Q&A: Cumulative Voting?
2007 Apr Q&A: Cumulative Voting?

Q My co-op has not had elections in many years, as the number of candidates always equals the number of seats on the board. This year, however, there will be more candidates than seats. Someone mentioned that we are supposed to have cumu…

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Q&A Q&A: Smokin' Mad
2007 Apr Q&A: Smokin' Mad

Q I have a young toddler at home and my wife is a breast cancer survivor. For several years, our next-door neighbor’s chain-smoking home health nurse has filled up the hallway outside our apartment with smoke. The smell is so strong …

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Q&A Q&A: Foaming Over Washing Machines
2007 Mar Q&A: Foaming Over Washing Machines

Q In our Queens co-op (containing 68 apartments) we do not allow laundry washing  machines. A few owners have had them from years back, others have recently  renovated and installed washing machines in their apartments.    This cau…

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Q&A Q&A: Co-op Rules v. Sponsor Units
2007 Mar Q&A: Co-op Rules v. Sponsor Units

Q Our building is 75 percent shareholders, 25 percent sponsor units (renters). The  sponsor units fall under the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA) of 1974. My  question is, doesn’t everyone in the building, shareholders and sponsor u…

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Q&A Q&A: Altering Meeting Minutes
2007 Mar Q&A: Altering Meeting Minutes

Q I would like to know if the board has the right to alter minutes given to the  shareholders, because there were questions raised at meetings that they would  not answer and are left out of the minutes. Are there any regulations governin…

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Q&A Q&A: Asset Transfer on Death
2007 Mar Q&A: Asset Transfer on Death

Q For estate planning purposes, my wife is the sole owner of our co-op. A recent change to the New York State law permits assets to be transferred on death by use of a “Transfer on Death” designation. Like a trust, this avoids probat…

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Q&A Q&A: Dual Role as Director & Broker
2007 Feb Q&A: Dual Role as Director & Broker

  Q I am the president of a co-op board in Gramercy Park. One of our directors has recently become a licensed salesperson. When announcing this to the board, he indicated that he would recuse himself  going forward from interviewing any …

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Q&A Q&A: Right To See Project Documents
2007 Feb Q&A: Right To See Project Documents

Q My co-op is about to engage in a multi-million dollar upgrade energy project. The board president has decided to not let myself (a newly elected member of the board) and any shareholder access to review the documents on this project. …

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