Category: Q&A

Q&A Q&A: One More Unit Co-op Conversion
2007 Feb Q&A: One More Unit Co-op Conversion

Q I am the vice president of a board in a 10-unit co-op located in Queens with an unoccupied residential basement apartment that was originally a live-in super’s apartment. We, the board, are exploring the possibility of renovating it an…

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Q&A Q&A: Developer-Led Construction Projects?
2007 Feb Q&A: Developer-Led Construction Projects?

Q Should a real estate developer be involved in construction projects in his or her building or is it more feasible to let an independent general contractor with no ties to the developer do the actual construction works? —Cu…

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Q&A Q&A: Right to See Project Documents
2007 Jan Q&A: Right to See Project Documents

Q My co-op is about to engage in a multi-million dollar energy upgrade project.  The board president has decided to not allow me—a newly elected member of the board— and any shareholders access to review the documents on this project. How…

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Q&A Q&A: Transfer on Inside Sales
2007 Jan Q&A: Transfer on Inside Sales

Q If a building decides to adopt a transfer tax, can they impose a tax when an apartment is sold to an outsider but exempt from the tax when selling to an insider? The apartments that have been combined with other apartments, (three …

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Q&A Q&A: Without Board Consent
2007 Jan Q&A: Without Board Consent

Q Three shareholders organized the development of 861 square feet of unused courtyard space behind their building, after having surveyed the building for interest (57 percent of shareholders responded—of which 70 percent were in favo…

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Q&A Q&A: Vendors Only Policy
2007 Jan Q&A: Vendors Only Policy

I currently run my family’s construction business and have been doing so since I left management business over four years ago. Recently, I was asked to renovate an apartment for a client in a luxurious East Side apartment building. The b…

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Q&A Q&A: Whose Cable Now?
2006 Nov Q&A: Whose Cable Now?

Q Our building is seriously considering replacing our present cable television with a satellite dish system. Cablevision installed TV cables and equipment in our hi-rise residential condo building several years ago, and has continued to…

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Q&A Q&A: Family Trust
2006 Nov Q&A: Family Trust

Q My parents are both in their seventies and have begun setting their financial affairs in order. They have put whatever assets they own, such as cars, stocks and bonds, into their family trust in order to simplify their estate and avoi…

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Q&A Q&A: To Flip, or Not to Flip the Tax
2006 Nov Q&A: To Flip, or Not to Flip the Tax

Q Our 60-unit, self-managed co-op changed its bylaws about ten years ago to allow parents to sublet from their children and vice versa. The bylaws were changed with the condition that the flip tax would continue with any transfer of the…

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Q&A Q&A: Sole Access, Sole Responsibility!
2006 Nov Q&A: Sole Access, Sole Responsibility!

Q I live in an older co-op that has eight large roof-terraces from 300 to 500 square feet. We have experienced leaks emanating from these terraces, over the years, to the apartments below. No one is able to use the terraces except the …

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