Category: On The Board

Board Operations Enforcing House Rules
2000 Aug Enforcing House Rules

Building house rules are the "Thou shalt not’s" of the co-op and condo world. Unlike the proprietary lease or bylaws, which cover operational and administrative matters, the house rules cover behavior of the residents–you know, the types of…

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Law & Legislation Terminating Sponsor Leases
2000 Aug Terminating Sponsor Leases

Many New York City co-ops have garages leased to the sponsor dating back to the co-op’s conversion. Though these garages, described by one judge as "a veritable gold-mine," throw off riches mostly to the sponsor, a little-known federal stat…

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Board Operations The Ins and Outs Of Illegal Sublets
2000 Jul The Ins and Outs Of Illegal Sublets

In today’s booming real estate market everyone is looking to turn a profit. Should co-op shareholders be any different? Everyone wants a piece of the pie but at what cost? Subletting cooperative apartments can be very simple if you follow t…

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Law & Legislation Laying Down the Law
2000 Jun Laying Down the Law

New York, my old home state, presently litigates all co-op and condo disputes. Litigation, however, continually proves to be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. Perhaps it’s time for New York to consider compulsory mediation-arbitrati…

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Law & Legislation Board Members Beware
2000 Jun Board Members Beware

As we enter the 21st Century, issues of equality continue to be a problem in the United States. As such, government has created a complex set of laws to protect people from discrimination, but the problem has still not gone away. The respon…

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Board Operations NORC Program
2000 May NORC Program

Last month, the New York Association of Realty Managers (NYARM) hosted a seminar on a somewhat new phenomenon known as "NORCs." Short for "Naturally Occuring Retirement Communities," the acronym has come to mean much to many seniors through…

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Shareholder Relations Settling Co-op Disputes?
2000 Feb Settling Co-op Disputes?

Over two decades ago, an amendment to the New York City Civil Court Act transferred enforcement proceedings connected with housing to the Civil Court. This amendment established what we now know as housing court, where residential landlord …

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Shareholder Relations Are You Prepared?
2000 Feb Are You Prepared?

Annual shareholders’ meetings are in our midst. It takes a lot for a board to prepare for the spring occasion, but if thoughtfully planned by a building’s board and managing agent, it can become a successful forum for board elections, the d…

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Management Relations Large vs. Small
2000 Feb Large vs. Small

Peculiar as it may sound, the union of a building and management company can be likened to a marriage: the mate that suits you best might be incompatible with your friend. Likewise, a management company that works well for one building migh…

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