Category: Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation The Dump is Dead--Now What?
2001 Sep The Dump is Dead--Now What?

On March 22, 2001, after 53 years of accepting New York City’s trash, Staten Island’s Fresh Kills Landfill received its final shipment. Fresh Kills was originally intended to serve as a temporary storage site, but over 400,000 garbage barge…

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Energy Conservation Window Repair and Replacement
2001 Sep Window Repair and Replacement

In the depths of a New York winter, few things are as uncomfortable and uneconomical as drafty, rattling windows. Icy wind howling around your building is one thing–you can always appreciate the austere beauty of the drifting snow from a co…

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Energy Conservation Energy-Efficient, Environment-Friendly
2001 Sep Energy-Efficient, Environment-Friendly

It’s difficult to imagine life without the appliances and technological perks to which we’ve become accustomed. But the scores of appliances found in a typical home create a huge demand for energy and costs for both the consumer and the env…

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Energy Conservation The Energy Star Program
2001 Sep The Energy Star Program

Government spending may get a bad rap, but there is one federal program that saved consumers $4 billion last year and benefited the environment as well. It’s called Energy Star, and it’s a voluntary labeling effort that identifies both prod…

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Energy Conservation Heating Efficiency
2000 Sep Heating Efficiency

T he Cooperator’s readers follow the news. Therefore, I need not say too much about the fact that despite petroleum quotas by the Saudis and President Clinton’s attempt to build up a heating oil reserve for our region, the predictions say t…

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Energy Conservation It is Easy Being Green
2000 Sep It is Easy Being Green

The phrases have grown familiar to all of us. Global warming. Ozone depletion. Greenhouse effect. As recycling, composting and other eco-friendly activities become more common, the time seems right to start asking what else can be done to k…

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Energy Conservation Fuel Prices Taking Their Toll?
2000 Sep Fuel Prices Taking Their Toll?

It seems as if many of us have been here before. In the late 1970s and early ‘80s, fuel prices escalated faster than any professional forecasters in the field thought were imaginable, with heating oil soaring faster than gas, electricity, o…

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Energy Conservation De-Regulation Still Rolling Forth
2000 Sep De-Regulation Still Rolling Forth

With electric de-regulation well underway in New York City, increased focus is shifting toward how well the competitive system is serving customers. The phased-in process, which began in 1998, has gradually allowed customers to get their el…

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Energy Conservation Save On Utility Costs
2000 Dec/Jan Save On Utility Costs

So, it’s the holiday season again and everyone is feeling generous, even you. You seem to have gotten past your Scrooge-stage and feel like splurging on someone else for a change. You don’t mind going the extra mile for your neighbor or run…

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Energy Conservation Electric Deregulation Has Come
1999 Jul/Aug Electric Deregulation Has Come

Electric deregulation is fast becoming a reality in New York. Adhering to the historic 1996 decision of the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC), utility companies throughout the state such as Con Edison, LILCO, Central Hudson and…

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