Category: Building Operations

Insurance Reducing Liability in a Co-op or Condo
2007 Aug Reducing Liability in a Co-op or Condo

Insurance can be a hassle to deal with when it comes to your property, but failing to pay attention to the details of your policy could cost you money now and in the future. Knowing the specifics of your building's insurance policy, and als…

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Insurance Unusual Insurance Claims
2007 Aug Unusual Insurance Claims

The world of insurance, although not necessarily simple, is usually cut and dry, not the stuff of excitement. While condos and co-ops have insurance for the common areas like roofs, stairways, lobbies and often the apartments as well, th…

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Insurance Getting Dumped By Your Insurance Company
2007 Aug Getting Dumped By Your Insurance Company

Simply put, insurance equals protection. Insurance will help protect your investment if your building is damaged or destroyed by fire or other causes. Public liability coverage will protect you if someone is hurt in the building and sues yo…

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Maintenance Managing Laundry Contracts
2007 Jul Managing Laundry Contracts

Having a well-lit, well-maintained laundry room in one's building is a definite plus. Residents don't have to traipse out to the overcrowded Laundromat in the dead of winter or in the pouring rain to spend hours waiting for machines when…

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Management Renter vs. Shareholder Mentality
2007 Jul Renter vs. Shareholder Mentality

When a long-time renter purchases a co-op or a condo apartment, the move is perceived as a step up. No longer are you just shelling out rent every month—you're building equity, investing in your own security. Regardless of whether your n…

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Finance Financial Demographics Affect Buildings
2007 Jul Financial Demographics Affect Buildings

In any business—whether it's a flower shop or a gas station—there are those who have more dollars to work with, and those who have fewer. It's the same for co-ops and condos. New York is home to a seemingly endless variety of residential…

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Finance Estate Planning for Co-op and Condo Owners
2007 Jul Estate Planning for Co-op and Condo Owners

Most people would rather not talk about divorce or death. Unpleasant as they are however, they're both facts of life—facts that any apartment owner must face up to and plan for. In the case a co-op or condo apartment, a thorough, legal…

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Finance Refinancing Made Simple
2007 Jul Refinancing Made Simple

Most co-op buildings carry an underlying mortgage—the cost of which is paid for each month by shareholders as part of their maintenance fees. Quite often, a co-op corporation will seek to finance a major project or building improvement b…

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Finance Beware of Red Flags
2007 Jul Beware of Red Flags

Consider the story of Dave. He was the treasurer for his co-op, and served the board for just over four years. Dave felt that he'd done a tremendous job—not that anyone ever noticed, much less bothered to thank him. As far as Dave w…

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Finance What Happens When a Building Defaults?
2007 Jul What Happens When a Building Defaults?

In the early 1990s, thousands of New Yorkers purchased apartments in newly converted co-op buildings; in the early 1990s, thousands of New Yorkers also watched their investments collapse. The co-op market was tanking, equity was at risk …

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