Category: Building Operations

Energy Conservation Alternative Energy Sources
2007 Sept Alternative Energy Sources

Whether you consider yourself environmentally-minded or not, green is fast becoming the new black. Everywhere you look, from billboard ads to the Academy Awards, the nation is becoming preoccupied with renewable energy and the reduction of …

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Energy Conservation Preparing Buildings for Winter
2007 Sept Preparing Buildings for Winter

Although it may seem like the dog days of summer were just upon us, it's not too early to start thinking about winter. The cold months are right around the corner, and although last winter might seem like a distant memory, it's time to b…

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Energy Conservation Breaking Down the Process
2007 Sept Breaking Down the Process

The phrase "Reduce, reuse, recycle" has become something of a mantra in our times - though you still occasionally see a glass bottle or plastic container just stuffed in the trash, more and more people from all walks of life are becoming…

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Energy Conservation Conservation Tips
2007 Sept Conservation Tips

The buzz about green buildings and energy conservation is so loud you just can't shut your ears to it. And why should you? We are being inundated with information on how to make our buildings and our lives greener. Even if your building …

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Energy Conservation Inspiring Buildings to Save Energy
2007 Sept Inspiring Buildings to Save Energy

Ever since An Inconvenient Truth , Al Gore's eye-opening documentary on global warming opened in 2006, the level of awareness among the general public on environmental issues has skyrocketed. Since then, there have been sobering natio…

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Insurance Insurance and Your Contractor
2007 Aug Insurance and Your Contractor

Co-op buildings routinely require contractors to provide a Certificate of Insurance before any work is started either in a building or for individual shareholders. The managing agent or the shareholder will usually provide a list to the con…

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Insurance Filing an Insurance Claim vs. Settling
2007 Aug Filing an Insurance Claim vs. Settling

Sometimes bad things happen to good buildings. It's just a fact of life. And sometimes, bad things happen to good buildings with an unforeseeable and unavoidable frequency. That is also a fact of life. Usually, when those bad things happen,…

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