The Cooperator Expo Returns...This November! A Second Opportunity to Attend at the Javits Center

The Cooperator Expo  Returns...This November!

On Thursday, November 2nd, thousands of board members, managers, building owners and co-op, condo, and HOA residents will gather at the Jacob K. Javits Center at 655 West 34th Street in Manhattan, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the inaugural Fall edition of The Cooperator Expo New York.  

The Cooperator’s Spring Expo has been an annual industry fixture for nearly three decades, drawing hundreds of vendors, service providers, industry professionals, and thousands of attendees from all over the five boroughs for a day full of networking, service-shopping, free advice, and information-rich educational seminars – all at no cost to attendees. 

In response to the popularity and growth of the spring event, The Cooperator and its parent company, Yale Robbins Publications, knew it was time to offer a second opportunity for anyone involved – or just interested – in their building or association’s day-to-day operations to take advantage of everything that has made the Spring Expo such a must-attend event for so many years now. Like its springtime counterpart, the Fall Expo will be an invaluable opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest in building services from over 250 exhibitors, attend valuable seminars, get free advice from legal and management experts, and more. (Did we mention that it’s FREE to register? Just visit – it’s that easy.)

Education Is Everything

Exhibitor booths, information, and demos are the heart of The Cooperator Expo, but they certainly aren’t the end of the story at Javits this fall. A full slate of well-curated educational seminars and expert panels will be running all day long, giving attendees the opportunity to take master classes on a broad array of timely topics. A quick run-down of the day’s offerings is as follows: 

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Homesharing – How to Handle the Impact of Airbnb in Your Buiding

Presented by The Cooperator 

Homesharing is a trend that’s not likely to disappear any time soon—and it poses unique challenges to boards. This seminar will explore the legality of homesharing, security/privacy concerns, house rules for co-ops/condos, and impact on property values—as well as ways for boards and residents to compromise on homesharing policy in their buildings and associations. 

11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. 
Local Law 11/FISP - Facade Inspection & Safety Requirements: What Your Board/Management Team Must Know

Presented by The Cooperator 

If your building is over six stories, you MUST have exterior walls and features such as balconies professionally inspected every five years, or risk unsafe conditions and hefty fines. Come learn about inspection criteria, checklists, important filing deadlines, and what to do if your building receives a citation. 

11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. 
The Cogeneration Advantage—Maximizing Savings with VSO Technology 

Presented by Tecogen

More and more multifamily buildings and HOAs are adopting cogeneration systems to save on energy costs—but not all cogen systems are created equal. New technology and methods are making the transition faster, easier, and more wallet-friendly than ever before. Come learn about CHP and VSO technologies and how they can help your community save thousands by generating its own juice. 

12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. 
Benchmarking, Green Buildings, and PlaNYC—How Does Your Building Measure Up? 

Presented by The Cooperator 

Local Laws 84 and 87—also called the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan (PlaNYC) —are the cornerstones of New York City’s efforts to make New York a leader in green living. Come find out about how energy usage and sourcing are monitored, deadlines for compliance, and how your building can take advantage of local and state incentives to save energy—and money. 

1:30 p.m.  – 2:30 p.m. 
The Economics of Multifamily Solar

Presented by Best Energy Power

Solar power is a rapidly-expanding, incredibly promising solution to energy costs and environmental impact for multifamily buildings. The first part of this seminar will cover some basics about how solar works; the second half will demystify the economics of solar: the costs, benefits, and incentives, as well as giving a clearer picture of the potential return on investment for your own building, and the financing options available. 

2:30 p.m.  – 3:30 p.m.
Dealing With Problem Residents & Objectionable Tenants - What Boards Can Do When Talking Fails 

Presented by Smith, Buss & Jacobs

Every association has one: the compulsive litigator, the bully, the hoarder, the smoker, the difficult roommate, the weekend worker, and the resident who disregards every house rule and seems impervious to every penalty. This seminar will offer tips on what a board can do: when to consider compassionate intervention versus more aggressive action, when to invoke the “objectionable conduct” clause, and other potential remedies. Panelists will discuss liability, the duty and limitations of the board, legal implications of ‘objectionable’ conduct, and what resources may exist that can help boards dealing with a problem tenant. 

...and So Much More! 

In addition to all that, of course the Fall Expo will include the amenities (and freebies!) that have made its Spring sibling so popular, including a well-appointed food court, free legal advice booths, product demos, and valuable giveaways from exhibitors throughout the day. 

The Cooperator and Yale Robbins Publications are thrilled to invite any and all who have a stake in a co-op, condo, or HOA to take part in this phenomenal opportunity. We welcome you to join us on November 2nd at the Javits Center; for FREE registration, visit We look forward to seeing you at the show! 

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