The CooperatorEvents Expo Returns to the New York Hilton June 18 - 9am to 4:30pm -

The CooperatorEvents Expo Returns to the New York Hilton

Whether you’re a manager or a board member, running a co-op, condo, or HOA has never been an easy job. There’s always a capital project to fund, a contractor to hire, a dispute to resolve, a leak to repair … the list can feel endless. 

That’s why CooperatorEvents is thrilled to be back at the New York Hilton Midtown on Tuesday, June 18 for the 2024 New York Spring Expo, and we think you will be, too! If you’ve joined us for previous shows, you know there’s just no other event that puts you right in front of the vendors and service providers your building or HOA needs every day, all in one place—and for FREE! 

And if this will be your first Expo, welcome! You can look forward to networking with peers and colleagues, shopping for services, learning about the latest multifamily innovations, and attending free seminars led by industry pros. Whatever brings you to the show, time at the Expo is always time well spent. You can register ahead of time at, or just come to the show and register on-site. 

Boot Camp for Boards

The Expo always features a roster of free seminars and panel discussions covering issues of interest and import to boards, managers, and residents alike—and the 2024 Spring show is no exception. Throughout the day, Expo attendees will have the opportunity to hear the latest on everything from late-breaking legislation and legal issues to orienting newly-elected board members, directly from professionals working in the field.  

This year’s seminar schedule includes: 

Meridian Capital Group

9:30am - 10:30am - Room 1

Today's Mortgage Market - Interest Rates, Volatility, & What Your Board Should Know

As the lending landscape remains challenging for individuals, associations, and co-ops alike, things like funding major projects or refinancing an underlying mortgage can be even trickier than usual. This presentation will map out the current financing landscape, highlighting some of the strategies and products available to meet your community's needs, and offering professional answers to your board's biggest borrowing questions.

Best Energy Power

10:30-11:30 - Room 2

Up With the Sun - How Your Building Can Save Money, Create Value, & Reduce its Carbon Footprint with Solar

Solar power is gaining traction in multifamily communities nationwide - but concerns about funding, installation, and ROI still have some boards hesitant. This informative discussion will explain how solar works, break down its costs, explore financing options and subsidy programs, and demonstrate how going solar can help your building save big on operating costs - especially in light of Local Laws 92, 94, and 97, which require co-op and condo buildings over 25,000 square feet to have solar on the roof, or risk fines for noncompliance.

Schneider Buchel LLP

11:30-12:30 - Room 2

Recovering Common Charge & Maintenance Arrears - Effective Collections Strategies for Boards & Managers

A predictable, consistent inflow of cash is crucial for all multifamily communities to function - so unpaid maintenance and common charges pose a big problem for boards and residents alike. Arrears can lead to unpaid bills, neglected maintenance, and delayed capital projects. Marc H. Scheider, Esq, a legal pro will offer practical strategies for not only quickly recovering unpaid monies, but getting the most monies back, including interest, late fees and legal fees, so your community can stay solvent and financially stable.


12:30-1:30 - Room 2

Local Law 97 Compliance - Deconstructing the Law & its Impact on Multifamily Buildings

Complying with Local Law 97 (LL97) has many New York multifamily boards and managers stressed - the expense of reducing carbon emissions to acceptable levels (and avoiding steep fines for noncompliance) is daunting, and in many cases prohibitive. While no building may be able to attain total carbon neutrality, this expert panel will offer practical strategies for minimizing capitalization while maximizing decarbonization. Other issues to be discussed include resources to help boards reach compliance, implications for rent-controlled buildings, and the City’s Covered Buildings List (CBL).

Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP

1:30-2:30 - Room 1

Resident Rights vs. Board Confidentiality – New Standards for Access to Records & Disclosure of Private Information

What rights do individual owners have to inspect their association’s books? What rights do boards have to limit owner review? When can a board restrict what an owner discloses to other owners, or what board members disclose to owners? This panel of legal experts will discuss these questions and more, including what personal information the US Treasury Department can require board members to disclose under the recently-passed Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).

Jonathan Baron Design Inc.

2:30-3:30 - Room 2

Looks Matter - Refreshing Co-op & Condo Building Common Areas

Your common areas - including the lobby, vestibule, hallways, and other shared spaces - are the first impression visitors and residents alike get upon entering the property. If those areas are shabby, poorly maintained, or just plain dated, it erodes both curb appeal and resident morale, and can even negatively impact property values. This discussion will offer an array of steps you can take to spruce up these heavy-traffic zones, from low-cost, low-impact improvements to more in-depth renovations. 

Join Us, Won’t You?

Whether this will be your first Expo or your 15th, visit to register (did we mention the show is FREE to attend?), find out who’s exhibiting, view the floorplan, and plan your day at the show. You can also see the seminar schedule and get detailed descriptions of what each panel will be discussing to further optimize your time. No matter what you’re looking for on behalf of your building or association, you’ll find it at the CooperatorEvents New York Spring Expo. We look forward to seeing you there! 

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