2009 March
Focus on... Exterior Maintenance

Exterior Positive Impacts of Local Law 11
2009 March Positive Impacts of Local Law 11

There’s more than enough to worry about living in a major American city without having to worry about being conked on the head by falling debris. That’s the kind of urban hazard Local Law 11 was created to address, requiring all buildin…

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Exterior Running a Water-tight Ship
2009 March Running a Water-tight Ship

Residential buildings are constantly under attack—not by barbarians or marauding bandits, but by a force far more subtle and insidious. The most tenacious enemy of a residential building is not fire or structural collapse—though a build…

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Exterior Fighting Grime Brick by Brick
2009 March Fighting Grime Brick by Brick

New York City’s co-ops and condos might vary in their architectural styles, but over time every exterior—from the ornate historic landmark to modern glass-and-steel fishbowl—experiences exterior wear due to the elements and the simple pa…

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Exterior New Pool Safety Mandate in Effect
2009 March New Pool Safety Mandate in Effect

 It sounds like an urban legend—something that supposedly happened to your cousin’s friend’s cousin. A little girl was at a barbecue party at a friend’s house, frolicking in the pool with friends. She swam to the drain at the  bottom of th…

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Exterior Stopping the Usual Suspects
2009 March Stopping the Usual Suspects

 Years ago, when I babysat for a young boy, I watched him create a multi-story  building out of empty cardboard boxes. The lad then ran around his proud  creation, flexing his muscles and crowing, “My house is indy-structible!” (He then pr…

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Exterior Historic Buildings Need TLC
2009 March Historic Buildings Need TLC

 In November of 2008, New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) designated seven new properties with  landmark status—New York University’s University Village, the Guardian Life Insurance Co. annex, the Morris B.  Sanders Hou…

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Exterior Preparing Your Local Law 11 Report
2009 March Preparing Your Local Law 11 Report

 Local Law 11 inspection is a requirement of the New York City Department of  Buildings that every owner of a building higher than six stories must retain an  architect or engineer to inspect their façades. Based on this inspection, a repo…

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Exterior A Life in Exterior Maintenance
2009 March A Life in Exterior Maintenance

 Wayne Bellet, of Manhattan-based exterior maintenance firm Bellet Construction,  is getting a dose of his own medicine. At the time of this interview, it’s his own office that’s under construction, he explains over the racket of dueling h…

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Q&A Q&A: Seniors and Increased Maintenance
2009 March Q&A: Seniors and Increased Maintenance

Q I live in a co-op in the Lower East of Manhattan. We have an entrenched board, which is under the control of our building manager. Over the past few years, our building has made some ‘improvements’ to the tiles, windows, lobby, etc…

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Q&A Q&A: Absentee Owners Not Pulling Weight
2009 March Q&A: Absentee Owners Not Pulling Weight

Q We are in a small condo building of 3 units, hence we do not have (quite frankly, can’t afford) a management company, with the intention that the 3 owners share in building upkeep and responsibilities. One owner has since moved out…

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Q&A Q&A: Purchasing Co-op Shares Under Holding Company
2009 March Q&A: Purchasing Co-op Shares Under Holding Company

Q Our co-op has a prospective purchaser who refuses to buy the shares in his own  name. He wants the shares to be purchased by a holding company or limited  liability corporation (LLC) that was created specifically for that purpose. Ho…

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